Those under the Consolidation Realm are Ants

Even though Xiaoyao Hou's expression remained cold, his heart was filled with anger. He had never been looked down upon like this before.

The Tempest Realm was always ruled by the Four Holy Lands and the Five Consolidations, and Xiaoyao Hou's status was just below the Five Consolidations.

He had always had confidence in himself.

He had been stuck in the realm for a few hundred years, and no single soul in the Three Flower Realm was stronger than him.

It was obvious that he would be stronger than his peers.

To call him the strongest below the Consolidation Realm was an understatement. That was the reason why he could pressure Lin Ziyi so much to the point where he almost killed her.

Xiaoyao Hou might not have the power to defeat a Consolidation Realm cultivator in a fair fight, but he would easily trample over those who were in the Three Flower Realm.