I Will Finish You Off In Three Moves

At the end of the day, he was still too young. A casual provocation actually got him rushing towards the Tempest Ocean Realm.

Still, there was nothing wrong with that; if he killed him right here, it would've been one less thing to worry about!

The expression on Lin Ziyi's face was similar to that of Lin Shou's. She seemed a little surprised as well. She never thought that Xiaoyao Hou would place that much importance on Lu Xuan.

As far as she knew, the people that Xiaoyao Hou treated solemnly were dwindling over the years. The last person she knew was herself when she was ambushed by Xiaoyao Hou as soon as she broke into the Three Flower Realm.

"It looks like Mr. Lu is unfathomable after all. Now, I finally have a chance to see how powerful he actually is!"

Lin Ziyi wore a playful expression on her face.