Trick Without Solid Worth

Golden Dragon Claws!

As soon as Lu Xuan delivered his punch, a rumbling noise arose accompanied by the sound of what seemed like the roar of a dragon. The attack swept towards Xiaoyao Hou alongside a golden frenzy that filled the entire sky.

He did as he said he would without any hesitation, leaving Xiaoyao Hou unprepared.


Xiaoyao Hou cursed quietly. He was still influenced by Lu Xuan's three flowers that were unbelievably massive.

The existence of those three flowers was already very stressful for him.

Not to mention that even when Lu Xuan was not moving and just standing there, his body was already giving off some kind of pressure like a sacred mountain.

It was as if a layer of golden light was shrouding over him, giving off a mysterious and oppressive aura.