The Great Monster Apocalypse

The glow of the golden blade flickered in the sea, and in an instant, the water was filled with blood.

Li Shou's head had been severed.

As Lu Xuan sheathed his sword and glanced towards the body of Li Shou, the stress that Li Shou had brought to him in this period of time had been completely relieved.

However, Lu Xuan knew he could not relax just yet.

Li Shou was only the beginning and he had never seen him as a true rival.

Right now, the sole person whom he could consider a rival was the XuanHuo Sect leader.

Although the two have yet to cross paths, from Lu Xuan's knowledge, the XuanHuo Sect leader should be at the pinnacle of the Consolidation Realm, thus putting him at the top of the Tempest Ocean Realm.

With the current state he was in, there was still too large a gap in their abilities for Lu Xuan to launch an attack against him.