Treasury Heist

The Palace City stood out from the deserted wilderness of the deep-sea monsters' realm. It was surreal to witness this place of civilization in this realm.

However, compared to what Lu Xuan had witnessed in his past life, the current Jiao Dragon Palace could not compare in scale. Despite this, the palace remained as heavily guarded as he remembered.

Large, fearsome deep-sea monsters stood in an orderly line like soldiers before the entrance of the palace, each patrolling the palace grounds. There were no blind spots to sneak in through.

Lu Xuan's primordial spirit instinct alerted him that in the four corners of the palace, there were four strong Consolidation Realm monsters waiting in ambush. In the event of an enemy infiltration, they would be immediately attacked by these monsters.

To utilize deep-sea monsters of the Consolidation Realm as petty guards was a demonstration of the unimaginably strong foundations of the Jiao Dragon Palace.