Made A Big Blunder

Early in the morning, it was clear as usual in the skies of Fengyuan. In truth, this planet had clear skies all around for the vast majority of the year.

Having had breakfast, Larry was already waiting by the main entrance of the Hermean Alliance.

"Don't cause so much trouble. If you have any questions about refining medicine, feel free to dial my number," Modican yelled as he waved at Gu Ding.

"Got it!" Gu Ding waved back before stepping into the car.

Larry whistled as he drove the two of them off. He was in a great mood. Over the past two days, his older brother had completely recovered, and his gene level had even been upgraded a grade. "Mr. Gu Ding, before you all leave, my brother wants to meet you guys and show his gratitude in person."