Gu Ding’s Dark Cuisine

"Hey, Gu Ding, aside from egg fried rice, can't you make anything else?" Liliath complained with some reluctance as she gazed at the big bowl of egg fried rice in front of her.

This Grey-faced Buzzard model came with a gravity system installed and even had a cultivation room where the strength of gravity could be individually adjusted. The maximum it could be adjusted to was ten times the normal gravitational force.

"Why? Is it not tasty?" Gu Ding asked through a mouthful of fried rice, cheeks bulging. 

"Tasty is tasty, but we've been eating egg fried rice three days in a row. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This is already the eighth time…" Liliath could not avoid protesting anymore. Although she acknowledged that Gu Ding's egg fried rice was masterful, eating it three days in a row did indeed make it a little unbearable.