Double Rewards

It was no exaggeration to say that the auction site at Great Divinity was grand.

The area of the venue was nearly one million square meters wide, and it was capable of accommodating five hundred thousand people. In addition to that, a tower was located in each corner of the area for free trading; sellers were able to set up their stalls in the towers. The only thing the sellers had to do was pay rent and payment was easily settled each day. On the other hand, buyers had free entry to the place. Besides that, all four corner towers were different from the main area, and they were open all year round.

When the three of them, including Gu Ding, reached the main venue, it was still closed as the auction had not yet started. Only one room was open for reception purposes.

The room was crowded and noisy. Everyone in the room was a seller who was trying to sell items on consignment.