Half A Sacred Object

In the appraisal room, the little old man who was an appraiser began feeling a little numb in his nerves. Besides that, his buttocks were also a little numb from sitting on the hard appraisal table. He stood up with a serious expression on his face and rubbed his buttocks without a hint of embarrassment. Even though he was standing on the table, his height was still shorter than Liliath–this was without a doubt a little funny.

Gu Ding took out hundreds of items for the little old man, and the latter appraised them one by one–all of them were genuine products from 14.6 billion years ago, and none of them were fake.

When Gu Ding took out a gilded Witch Tribe staff from his Inventory, the little old man was completely taken aback. After swallowing hard, he cautiously took the staff from Gu Ding and examined it carefully.