Nisoth’s Prophecy

33rd floor, room 3301. Gu Ding stood in front of the door and was just about to knock when he heard an elderly voice yell out, "Come in!"

Gu Ding reached out to turn the door handle–it was unlocked, and then pushed open the door.

The room was bright and spacious with exquisite decorations. A tall white-bearded old man in a wheelchair looked at Gu Ding with a smile.

"Would you like something to drink? I just found out they have a collection of 880-year-old red wine in this hotel–they're almost the same age as me. You look like you don't drink though. Would you like some tea or fruit juice instead?" The old man said kindly.

"I…It's alright." Gu Ding shook his head as he saw that it was inconvenient for the old-timer to walk.