Damn It!

When nightfall came, Gu Ding and the rest had only settled down for less than twenty minutes when Neptune projected a video.

The video feedback showed a vast fleet of Army spaceships landing. Apart from a Golden Eagle, a total of thirty-two Army spaceships landed on the port. Nearly all of them were fully geared out.

Seeing so many Army spaceships appearing suddenly, many Interstellar Pirates started to panic. Some fled to their spaceships, attempting to fly away only to find the top part of the port closed. They then realized that the Army was going to have a big cleanout this time.

When the Army spaceship docked, over six thousand soldiers with ranks above senior colonel uniformly marched out of the spaceship.

None of them were Gene Bodies below Rank-6.

When they appeared in the port, they had not only caused panic amongst the Interstellar Pirates, they had also attracted a lot of locals who came to check out the commotion.