Sharp Is Not Dead

"Sharp is not dead!" Gu Ding typed out the message but did not send it to Bart.

Gu Ding was not on familiar terms with Bart. He had been giving Bart reminders just to take revenge on the Army. Nevertheless, judging from the video's content earlier, Bart did not seem like the same type of person as him. Like how it was always said, those with different beliefs should not work together. Gu Ding did not feel the need to be friends with someone like him.

There seemed to be only one crazy idea in Bart's mind and that was increasing his bounty. Bart would do whatever it took to achieve that purpose. Although Gu Ding also hoped that his bounty would keep on increasing, unlike Bart, he would not take the initiative to stir up trouble.

Bart's actions in the mall earlier were extremely provocative. Bart might have managed to manipulate a strong Army general. However, if he had not chosen to pierce his heart and instead beheaded him, his plan might have succeeded.