The Army’s Raid

Bart started to feel anxious when Gu Ding told him that Sharp was not dead. Nevertheless, he had a feeling that Gu Ding was only trying to scare him. "Hey, could you not make a joke out of this? You saw it for yourself. I thrust that sword through his heart, and he stopped breathing on the spot. How is it possible that he survived when he doesn't have any special abilities?"

Gu Ding said nothing and only sent Bart the full of video of what had transpired as well as a video of all three Baby Dragon ships. "Take a look at the video yourself. That man stood up from the ground about twenty minutes after you left. I've also shared the video on the Baby Dragons with you too."

Liliath moved closer to Gu Ding after the latter had ended the call. "Are you sure we're not going to ally ourselves with them?"