Identity Revealed

The sightseeing ship arrived at Jerr's harbor three days later.

The first thing Gu Ding did was get off the ship. Noami waved goodbye to him through the window, while Gu Ding replied casually by lifting his hand. Then, Gu Ding rented a hovercar and left the harbor.

"Where would you like to go, sir?"

"To Leoben Prison," Gu Ding lowered his voice and replied expressionlessly.

Noami called her team members with her communicator after watching Gu Ding leave in the hovercar. "King Kong, I believe all of you are here? Gather at the harbor. I have two missions to hand over to you."

"Boss lady, you're giving us missions now? Do they have something to do with Gu Ding's crew?" a rough voice was heard over the communicator.

Noami laughed as she replied, "I wish they did, but they just involve the arrest of a few dumb hijackers and a bomb that we need to get rid of."

"We're on our way!"