Reexamination Of a Prison Identity

Pearson would never forget how the young man humiliated him in front of so many people at the Federation Court a few months ago. Gu Ding had punched him until his nose could not stop bleeding. It was a terrible memory from a portion of his life that could not be erased. Ever since the incident, Pearson felt that his colleagues, subordinates, and even the criminals in the prison were always looking at him with a sarcastic notion in their eyes.

Even after Gu Ding left Cerule, Pearson heard news about him every once in a while. It was always about Gu Ding creating trouble in some random location and how much bigger his bounty was getting. It gave Pearson a feeling that the young man was a nightmare he would never be able to get rid of. He would often dream about Gu Ding coming after him to take his life, and he would always be awakened by Gu Ding's smile that frightened him to the core.