Warden Thorso

"There is nothing wrong with your review. You're free to leave."

Gu Ding pushed the door open after hearing this. He knew that he should leave the planet as soon as possible because the longer he stayed, the more likely his identity would end up being exposed.

Gu Ding walked briskly along the corridor toward the exit.

He was less than twenty meters away from the door when a figure suddenly stopped in front of him.

It was a tall man who was more than two meters in height. He looked about forty years old and had a tough-looking face. He was wearing a different uniform than the other prison guards. He had a white cloak that fluttered in the wind on his back. Gu Ding could vaguely read the word on it that said, "Warden".

The man had to be the superintendent of Leoben Prison, Thorso.