Ultimate Arts VS Ultimate Arts

Eight Hunters led by Noami and King Kong, who were both Rank 12, surrounded Gu Ding in a circle.

Elsa, who was standing at the side, started to get worried. She could sense Gu Ding had become stronger, but she had no idea how much stronger his combat effectiveness had improved. All she knew was based on Gu Ding's previous combat strength, that he had equivalent strength to a Rank 11 at its peak, but still had some way to go before achieving Rank 12. 

She was most worried about what Liliath had mentioned before getting off the spaceship. Hunters cultivated a method of combat strength enhancement that was similar to Gu Ding. At the height of it, they were able to enhance their battle strength by four times.

Tagore, on the other hand, was casually swishing his tail about, not worried about the result of this battle. Although, this guy had never expressed concern about anything besides his meals and fighting since boarding the ship.