End Of The Battle

Mirror Avatar was truly a terrifying ability.

Noami was able to create as many avatars as can be seen in the mirror. The scariest part about this was that the avatars had the same special ability and combat effectiveness as the original person.

This ability was the main reason Noami had been able to get into the Hunter Squad from the very beginning, and was also the reason how she had been able to get promoted to the leader of her Hunter Squad. 

However, her ability was limited by level restrictions. The most avatars she was able to conjure was twelve, although for many others, this was already considered an ability that defied the norms. It was a huge advantage when facing an opponent who was similarly powerful as she was. This was thirteen against one. 

Besides that, there was no way of differentiating between the Mirror Avatars and the original, and this proved challenging for those who had to fight someone with such an ability.