About Deities

Gu Ding told the entire story in detail on the Golden Eagle while Liliath and the others listened with an astonished look on their faces.

Liliath started analyzing the situation. "Why do I feel that everything that had happened on Jerr was like a set of dominoes falling over. If Gu Ding had not visited Perrett, none of this would have happened. You were identified by the prison warden, Thorso, because you were at Leoben Prison. That had caused the chain, which was a god item, to be awakened, attracting the descent of a deity. This is exactly like that legendary story of 'A Murder Case Triggered By A Prison Visit'."

"Lili, I think you really should apply for a copywriting job at Mideon Media Company," Gu Ding laughed bitterly.