Bad News

House was a middle-aged man with a slightly skinny build. He had a white beard and a messy short hair that was slightly curly. He was giving Liliath and Elsa an unfriendly look while accusing them, "You hacked into our system and placed yourself second in the appointment list, didn't you?! I check all my appointments before I leave work. I clearly remember the sequence of my patient list from yesterday."

Liliath knew they had no choice but to admit to it. She immediately responded, "Doctor, please save our father. We had no choice but to do it..."

Tears flowed down her eyes as she spoke. They were like rivers flowing from broken dams.

Elsa was taken aback when she saw Liliath behave this way. She had no idea Liliath had such great acting chops. Since Elsa was unable to squeeze a single tear from her eyes, all she did was stare at the doctor with her large, innocent eyes, coupling them with a pitiful look on her face.