Spiritual Healer Orm’s Junior

Gu Ding was shocked upon seeing an empty cabin. He had no memory of what had transpired. The last picture he had in his mind was him slitting his wrists to let blood out, using the taboo Art of Blood Sacrifice to call upon the weapon spirit within the god item. He did not even know if he had successfully summoned the weapon spirit, nor was he aware of the results of the battle.

"What happened?" His question was pointed at his lone appearance in the spaceship's cabin while the rest had disappeared.

"Lili and Elsa brought Biggie and Tagore away to get treated," Neptune finally explained. His words carried a grim undertone.

Gu Ding quickly noticed the emotions in Neptune's words. Neptune never attempted to conceal its feelings. Gu Ding quickly continued asking, "What happened after that?"