The Failed Treatment

Five of them quickly arrived at the harbor and Dockett could not help admiring Golden Eagle when he saw it. "What an impressive spaceship!"

He had always been a solo traveler and owned only a Grey-faced Buzzard. It was a remarkable thing to see a Golden Eagle.

Dockett kept looking around when they got into the spaceship and had a look that said this was a whole new world to him.

"Dockett, why don't you join our crew. We need a doctor," Gu Ding suggested when he saw the look on Dockett's face.

"I can't. I'm not going anywhere without winning Malcolm!" Dockett immediately rejected Gu Ding's invite.

"That's fine, we'll discuss this later," Gu Ding did not immediately mention his plan to challenge Dockett. He was worried that Dockett would refuse to treat Biggie and the others if Gu Ding beat him. That would spell trouble.

Biggie's mask had already been taken off in the cell repair berth. He only had on a huge pair of pants on his body.