Dockett’s Crushing Defeat

Dockett's ability was a truly unique one. He was able to extract a person's negative state and transfer it onto the body of another person.

At that point, Biggie's wound was transferred onto Gu Ding. Gu Ding frowned slightly when he took over the damages, but did not make a sound.

Biggie's wound was not too serious. He had only bone cracks and his internal organs had suffered a concussion. Other than that, there were some traces left by his surgery. As Gu Ding's body did not have a source of damage, it took less than a few minutes for him to completely restore himself at high speed after those wounds were transferred into him.

After Dockett was done with this, Gu Ding walked Malcolm and Dockett out of the spaceship, but later pulled Dockett to the side.