Vander's Family Line curse

After Vilio walked away, it was only Luke and me in the room.

"You never know right that I have agency company."

"I never showed up that much in public. After all, I will tell you that Frost Agency is under my wings."

"So I don't truly need your money or property at all, as for me, I have money, and the only thing that I don't have that is you and your heart."

Why did I feel so embarrassed? He did not even wake up yet, but I felt like I was confessing my feelings.

"Ah, this is embarrassing. You are still unconscious, but why did I feel like I am confessing my love for you?"

"It is true, but it is still embarrassing."

"Ah, I think it is too hot this evening."


When I was talking to Luke, her mother came to visit him.

"You are here, Elena?" she said with a smile on her face.

"Eh? Ah hahaha", I laughed awkwardly with a red face.

"Don't be shy?" she said with a smirk on her face.

"That is enough, mother," I said with a blush on my cheek.

"When did you come?." I asked again

"It was when you confessed your love for Luke," she said with a smirk.

"Ah, it was from the beginning, ah embarrassing," I said while buried my face in Luke's bed.

"Don't be shy. When I was young, I was the one who chases Luke's father," she said again.

"You were the one who chases father?." I shocked by the fact.

"It doesn't look like it now huh when you see him it looks like he was the one who chases me, but your father has the same character as Luke, he was not an easy target from the beginning," She said while thinking about her past.

"It sounds hard," I said.

"It is on Luke's bloodline, all the wife of Vander family has this problem," she said with sadness on her face.


"It was like a curse, maybe? It was not always a happy ending, but Vander Family always had a good wife line, but their husband fell in love with another woman," she said.

"Is that so?"

"Luke's grandmother told me about this story, they always had a good wife, but they didn't always have a good ending, your great-grandpa for the example," she said.

"What happened with my great-grandpa?". I asked.

Great-Granpa is Luke's Vander grandfather.

"Your great-grandpa fall in love with a girl that she was not his wife, his parents rejected his preference, but he was too blockheaded, his parents forced him to marry a gentlewoman and has a soft heart, but he always opposed that girl.

Even after he had a child with that girl, he never appreciated it. She only left alone in Vander's family mansion. Someday she got dangerous cancer. Even an expert doctor could not save her life.

Your great-grandpa never knew about it, his parents tried to call him, but he never picked up his phone. After a long time he spent his life abroad, he realized that the girl he loved that she never truly love him.

He remembered his wife back to the city. That time your great granma was still young, and she died when she was only 27 years old.

Your great-grandpa realized that he loved the wrong person and came back to the city, but the only thing he knew after coming back was your great granma's death.

It was too late when he came back when he realized his mistake. His wife has already died. He never knew she was sick. Your great-grandma never blamed him at all, because she knew from the beginning there was no love between them.

Your great-grandma was not a noble girl. It was why your great-grandpa always thought that she was after his money.

She only hoped for your great-grandpa to come back and accompany her, but her wishes never came true until her death. She always said to her son don't hate his father for these matters.

After he knew her death, he was broken-hearted. There was a hole in his heart. He felt guilty for all his life. After your great granma's death, he was always alone. He locked himself away with work overtime. But his wound never healed until he lost his life." she said with calm tone but sad.

I am already crying so hard while listening to the story.

"Don't cry, Elena, I feel guilty that you have to go through the same situation, even though you are a good girl, but you...."

"Don't say it, mother, it is my pleasure to get married to Luke," I said with a smile.

"What are you talking about, he never cared for you, and he always chased that bitch," she said with anger.

"Mother, please calm down, it is not good to raise your voice in the hospital, this is our fate, so don't feel guilty about it," I said with a soft tone.

After I tried hard to make her calm down, my mother finally came back home.

"The story is sad. I can not imagine how hard it was. When you realized your mistake but before you can do anything to make up for it. It was already too late to make it better. Luke, whatever you do, not do something that will make you regret it.

Because when you regret doing something, what will you do when they still alive at that time." My tears didn't stop flowing.

When I wanted to walk outside for fresh air, I saw blood transfusion. I suddenly remembered that night when I lost my life. I could see blood everywhere. After looking at the blood at that time, I had blood phobia now. My body suddenly felt weak. I could not move my body.

The memory of that time came back to me, and I lost consciousness.

"Madam?", each nurse who looked at me come towards me.

I heard so many noises, but I could not do a thing about it. I could feel my body became cold like ice that night. My view was full of red blood that flowed through my head and my body, I asked for help, but no one saved me. I didn't remember when I lost consciousness until the next day.

When I open my eyes, it was already in the morning.

"Good morning Milady," Lisa said while bowing towards me.

"Good morning Lisa," I tried to move my body, but my body felt so stiff and weak.

"Milady, you need to rest, don't move around," she said while worrying.

"What happened to me? It is Luke's room?" I said while look at Luke's bedroom on the other side.

"Madam said that you needed to rest, so she arranged your room in Master's room, she said you would be worried if your room is far away from master's room," she said

"Mistress you have to think about your health, you barely touched your food lately, how can you take care master when you are sick like this?" she said with anger on her voice.

"I understand, Lisa. I will think more about my health. It is just I was too busy lately." I said again.

"Don't make a reason. You always forgot your meal when you were busy, and now you had to take care of the young master, so you must be healthy first," she added.

"Okay, okay, I understand," I said.

Because I felt too tired, I came back to the dream world.