Luke's POV Part 1

I didn't know how long I slept like this, but once more time, I would tell you that time seemed to stop at this moment. I didn't know how long I was unconscious, but it was too long. I couldn't move my body. I couldn't feel my body. I always imagined that my life would end at this moment.

But there is a girl who never stopped coming here. She learned everything from the doctor and nurse how to make me more comfortable. I didn't know why she still did this tiring schedule. I could hear how happy she was when she learned a new way to message me. Even though she was already an expert in massaging but she tried to improve it again.

How could she be happy with this little thing? Why could she be happy to take care of me? I never did anything to her. We spent minimal time understanding each other. She is my wife, and it is normal for a wife to take care of her sickly husband, but the husband left her alone for years. If it were me, I would leave that sick husband, but she never did the same thing, I think.

She was always happy when she talked to me like I could hear or answer her question. She was talking cheerfully, and I couldn't count how many times I fell asleep because of her words. She is too kind and too gentle. If she got married to someone who loves her back, maybe she will smile more brightly. My heart hurt when I imagine she would be with someone else.

Miona is not as gentle as her. Miona never truly cared about me, and she always thought about that guy who left alone. I never realized how kind and gentle she was before. I just left her alone without trying to know her. Even my parents requested her to divorce me because the doctor's belief that my life can not be long, but she never backed down and kept staying beside me.

She is a rare person who has a pure heart. I could hear how honest she was from her words. She was different from the people I had met. They would come to you when you were on the top but left you when you were down.

I heard from my parents before she lacked love from her family, but her character never changed.

I didn't see how her face look like, because I avoided her, and whenever we accidentally met up.

I will always turn my back to her and never looked at her even for a second time.

My feeling of guilt raised day by day when I was still unconscious. I wanted to beg for her forgiveness and start everything from the beginning. We got married for so long, but I neglected her for that long too. I never let her come to my life and locked her outside of my world.

I want to make her the queen of my world. I will give everything to her. I will let her do whatever she wants. I will spend most of my time on her. I wonder how happy she is when I give her everything she needed.

I already knew she fall in love with me. That was why she never left me even after I was in a coma. Her feelings were too strong to make her left me. I felt sad when I thought how cruel and a cold man I was to make such a gentle and fragile girl to suffer so much.

One day I heard that my right hand Rio came to her and asked her to handle my company temporarily. I thought she would be happy because she did something useful for me. I meant you would be excited to help your lover, right? It is the same for me if she needed my help, I will be happy, but she wasn't happy at all.

I could hear her sad tone while she spoke to Rio. Why did you sound so unhappy? What happened? You didn't want to help me? Was I too cruel, so that made you didn't want to help me?

She was silent for a while. Then she answered Rio with a desperate tone. She said I would hate her if she helped me. No, I would never do such a thing. She kept saying I will get angry. She kept saying that I would think she got married to me because of my money.

I never thought like that, oh yeah, maybe I would have that kind of thought like that. But it was in the past but now I know I was the one who got wrong. I am sorry, Elena. She couldn't hear my words, and I could know form the aura how desperate and sad she was. She said to me that nothing that she could do. She has to do it for me even though I will hate her.

She kept saying about it and kept apologies to me. Don't worry, Elena, I won't get angry or hate you. She said my father couldn't handle his work at all. I never knew that if Elena can do office work because I knew too little about her. Because I wasn't interested enough to know more and I knew she is from a noble family like me. I always thought that because Elena is the only daughter of Marlen's Family that my parents paired us, but I never knew they would get me such a kind girl like her that he wasted her youth to marry me. But she never got my attention and my affection at all.

She talked about that my new project's rival is her big brother, but she said she would not lose just because it is her brother.

I could see how little her affection towards her family except for her twin younger brother,

But she cared so much about my parents even like their daughter. She took care and taught her younger brother alone. I couldn't imagine how hard it is for her.