Don't mess with girls part 2

Shen always knew that he couldn't let them alone. Shen heard from his mother that Luke and Elena had a good relationship right now, even though Shen didn't believe it.

Shen knew all about Luke's characteristics and, he won't change without any reason. Luke is blockheaded, and he didn't believe anyone at all when he was sure that he was not wrong.

What made Luke change his attitude towards his sister in law? Luke never liked Elena before, Shen felt like there was thunder in good weather today. But he was sure that like there was lightning in broad daylight.


Selly turned her gaze at Luke in anger. Luke used to spoil her rotten, Selly loved her older brother so much, but everything changed when Miona came to Luke's life. Luke wasn't the Luke Selly knew the most.

Selly thought that love could change someone that made her terrified. Selly also knew that her best friend Elena had her first love in high school.

Selly was scared that Elena would change too, but the thing she scared the most never happened. But Elena's first boyfriend left a deep wound in Elena's heart and also Selly's heart the most.

Selly always aware of Elena's mind towards her older brother, but she also knew that both of them were impossible. Elena didn't hear her advice, because Elena also said that she never hoped more about her love for Luke.

Selly always loves her older brother until now, but she was disappointed at Luke. She never thought that her older brother could give a deep wound in her heart and her best friends' heart. Elena is soft-hearted, so she could easily forgive her older brother, but Selly was not that soft-hearted.

Luke was shocked when he saw Selly in Elena's office. He remembered the reason Shen came to his office to let him know that Selly returned to the country.

Luke was a little worried facing Selly because now he knew that he was the wrong one. After he realized that Elena was not the one he thought before, Luke checked his past.

Selly said to him that Miona bullied her so much, Luke always thought that Selly designed Miona to make him hated Miona. Now, he knew that he was wrong. Luke also saw Selly was crying in front of him before Selly rarely cried even when she was watching melodrama movie.

Luke wanted to answer Selly's question, but Selly opened her mouth: "What do you want? Was it not enough for you to hurt Elena's heart?"

Luke gritted his teeth, and he felt aggrieved: "Let me explain this." His voice was hoarse and wronged.

"There is nothing that you can explain, and I don't need your reasons, you chose Miona over my best friend," Selly voice sounded wrong, and she couldn't help clenched her fist tightly, and her fingers pierced her palms indifferently.

"I knew I was wrong, but let me explain it to you Selly," There was gentleness and spoilt in Luke's voice when He spoke to Selly.

"Do you think I need your apologies? Where were you for three years, you neglected Elena for Miona, Did you know how arrogant Miona was when she said I am not the true princess of Vander? You are a cruel brother, how come you left Elena alone for three years? Where did your heart go? Why were you so inhuman?" Selly's body trembled in anger.

"I knew I was wrong. That was why I wanted to change all of my mistakes," Luke still spoke gently at Selly without impatient and anger.

"Do you think that could erase all the pain that Elena's felt all this time? How easy you speak like that? Did you consider that the thing you did in the past was that easy to forget? I asked you the same thing. Could you handle all of the pain that Elena used to feel?" Selly's voice trembled in anger.

Luke was silent at the moment, he knew that he could never handle her pain all this time, but he was willing to feel the same pain, that Elena used to feel, in the past.

"I knew that it was hard, but I am willing to feel the pain that Elena used to feel in her life," Luke's voice was firm with sincerity.

Selly was shocked for a moment, but it didn't make her waver at all. Selly started to speak again: " If you are willing, let Elena go and....," Before Selly continued her words, Shen already closed her mouth with his big palms.


"I knew what you meant but please think more carefully, this is Elena and our older brother's problem, you can't involve in it," Shen was a little angry with Selly's attitude. Shen knew how angry Selly was, but it didn't mean that Selly could involve in her best friend's problem. It is Elena's life, let her choose herself.


"I knew you were angry, but whatever your reason was, you didn't have the right to force your opinion on Elena," Shen turned his gaze at Luke and said: " I am sorry to bother both of you, please continue your talk." Then Shen forced Selly to go out, even though Selly resisted him so much, but Selly was a little girl that didn't have the power to resist Shen's strength.

After Shen forced Selly to go out, Elena and Luke were alone. Luke turned his head towards Elena, and his face was full of guilt. Luke kneeled in front of Elena and asked for her forgiveness: "I am sorry Elena I knew that I was wrong, how cruel I was to leave you alone, please forgive me." Luke's body trembled, and his voice was hoarse, his tears fall on Elena's palms.

Luke waited for a long time, but Elena didn't answer him at all. Then he saw Elena's tears and felt aggrieved at this moments. Luke hugged Elena's tiny body and said: "I am sorry, please don't cry."

Elena still didn't answer him at all even after he repeatedly asked for her forgiveness. He chose Elena to get angry at him. Then she treated him with silence.

Luke could feel how hard his road to chase his wife back.