So complicated part 1

Selly didn't know how she arrived home, her mind was blank, and she couldn't think at all. She opened the front door and saw Mimi Farlen ran towards her happily and shouted: "Selly," Her soft voice echoed throughout the room.

Everyone who heard her soft voice, they would melt and wanted to protect this cute girl in front of them. Mimi wore long black pants and a blue shirt with a brown jacket. She used ponytail style, and her long black hair looked perfect around her tiny shoulder.

Mimi has a different style with Elena, her sister. Mimi has a cute face, a bright smile, and she likes to wear pants rather than skirts like women in general. Elena is a beautiful girl and a cold aura, and rarely smiled, but she loves to wear a dress and a lacy skirt and likes feminine stuff.

Of course, Selly didn't have time to realize her style this time. Mimi also realized there was something wrong with Selly and saw Shen stood behind Selly with an awkward expression.

Rollan showed up from behind Mimi and cheerfully greeted Shen: "Long time no see Shen, did you know that I brought you something good from L country."

Rollan is Mimi's second older brother, and Rollan has a close relationship with Shen. They are best friends since childhood. Rollan is insensitive to girls' hearts. That was why he always got dump by his ex-girlfriend.

Shen tried hard to give him code with his hands, crossing his arms like the letter x, but Rollan didn't understand anything and kept smile towards him. Shen didn't know how come he had stupid friends like him.

Selly didn't have time to react, and Ellisa came to the front door and said: "What are you doing gather around the front door, we will have lunch later, prepare yourself," After reminded them, Ellisa came back to the kitchen.

Hal Farlen and Luck Vander sat down in the living room while playing chest. They liked to chat while playing chest and drinking a cup of tea with jasmine cake flavor.

"It's not like I like to gossip, but have you heard the latest news," Hal looked so severe like talking about business projects.

"You said you didn't want to gossip, but you are excited enough to tell me about it," Luck always knew how much Hal liked to gossip in the name "It is not like I like to gossip."

Hal didn't see the disgusted look on Luck's face and continued his gossip: "Did you know that Arl got dump by Sisilia, I heard that they quarreled while raising their voices, and it was chaos like world war 3."

Luck didn't answer anything and continued listening, and Hal started his gossip again: "Don't you think it is strange? they got married for so long, but why did Sisilia choose to leave him now?"

"Sisilia already knew how bad Arl's attitude towards her, but she kept living in that satan circle, hate and love, so complicated," Hal shook his head without knowing nothing about Luck's complicated expression.

Luck has a little friendship with Arl is that why they matched their child, Sisilia and Mary know each other, but they are not so close like Mary's and Ellisa's relationship. Sisilia was Mary's seatmate in senior highschool after Mary came back to her original home.

Sisilia was uncommunicative and liked to be alone. Sisilia had one best friend, but he already died in an accident four years ago. If Sisilia and Arl didn't get married, Sisilia would marry her best friends.

Her best friend loved Sisilia a long time ago, but Sisilia fell in love with Arl. He already reminded Sisilia that Arl would never give his love to Sisilia, but Sisilia never believed him at all.

"If she already knew about this, it was too late for her to leave Arl now," Hal turned his gaze at Luck.

Luck didn't give him any comment. "You were quiet because you did the same as he did when you and Mary knew each other," Hal added.

Someone knocked Hal's head from behind and put on a cold face. "Hey," Hal raised his voice with dissatisfaction, but someone who stood behind him didn't stop knock his head angrily. "Hey, stop it," Hal shouted angrily and turned his head to see who stood behind him.

Hal turned silent when he saw who was behind him. "Shut up. Your mouth is your tiger," Ellisa's voice turned colder.

[An: "Your mouth is your tiger," is a proverb, which means keep your words, don't talk nonsense. Because words can hurt you sharper than a knife]

Ellisa realized how ugly Luck's face right now. Hal suddenly closed his mouth with his palms and said: "Did Elena hear me?" Hal suddenly panicked.

Ellisa rolled her eyes and ignored Hal and asked Mary, who walked into the living room: "Where is Elena and I never saw her while I came."

"She is with Luke, and she lived with Luke for almost a week," Mary said softly.

Ellisa wanted to ask more, but she knew that it was not polite for her to ask more about this. Ellisa also knew how badly Mary's relationship with Luke after Luke married Elena.

Hal didn't want to continue his gossip, because Luck was already moody and cold face.

As for Luck, his bad attitude towards Mary in the past was his wound. It was his bottom line. That was why he was so angry but trying to control his emotion.

Mary saw Luck's cold face and frowned. "Darling, why are you so fierce?" Mary held Luck's big hands.

Because of Mary's appeased Luck's emotion, Luck was calmer now. Hal felt terrified with his best friend's cold face.

"I already said your mouth is your tiger, so pay attention to your wild mouth," Ellisa glared at Hal.

Ellisa turned her gaze at Mary with guilt. "It was okay, I didn't mind, Luck is a moody person, but I know how to handle him," Mary said proudly.

Luck didn't give any comments and still kept holding his wife's hands. Shen, Selly, Mimi, and Rollan walked to the dining room, and the atmosphere was colder like in the winter.