Luke in Despair Part 2

Luke couldn't open his mouth, kept silent, and lowered his head pitifully. Watching Luke's reaction, Walze already knew everything without asking the culprit. Walze didn't understand the main problem, but he knew that Luke already made a mistake that wouldn't vanish even though you asked forgiveness from the victim. Forgiveness was never enough to heal the wound.

"You don't want to tell me?"

"Even though it is for Elena's recovery?"

"I don't want to do this and have a finger in the pie, but you force me to do this. I hate to say this word, but you are the worst,"

Walze voice turned colder, as cold as an iceberg. Walze never talked like this before with Luke. Luke ever heard his cold voice every time he faced Alex's recklessness. Walze considered Alex's as trash, a man who can't mind a woman's heart.

Walze wanted to punch Luke as hard as he could, but he controlled his emotion and turned his gaze at Luke.