Luke in Despair Part 3

Walze walked out from Luke's mansion, emitted black aura from his body, and even his step was strenuous than usual. Walze's expression was as calm as Lake outside, but inside was as hot as a Vulcano. Walze rarely has a bad temper, but once he is furious, he won't be calm quickly. Alex is one of those people who will face the wrath of Walze that is burning up the crown of his head. Walze is a doctor, but he is a good fighter too. Walze is comparable with Luke in the fighting.

Lisa saw the master's friends walked to the first floor with a calm face, but she could feel anger from his aura. He is not an ordinary doctor at all. Walze walked out without looking around or greeted the servants like he used to do before. When Walze was out of sight, the servants began to talk about him.

"Did you see it?"

"So scary."

"Mr. Walze is not a bad temper guy at all."

"You talked like you know everything."

"I talked like this because I really know who he is."