Luke and Elena's Sweet Time

(Back to the Present Time)

I felt sore all over my body, and I knew whose fault it was. It is hard for me to wake up when I had a heavy body like this.

I also didn't want to wake up because I slept on such a fluffy thing under my body.

I was busy rubbing its fluffy fur even though I was not fully awake at this time.

I felt that I could sleep for another twenty hours. I felt the blissfulness of life when I could sleep on a fluffy thing.

The person suspected of guilt for the pain in Elena's body was currently cooking in the kitchen cheerfully.

Luke was the only one who was in the kitchen. Everyone knew their young master doesn't like anyone to bother him when he is cooking.

Luke also made Elena's favorite avocado juice. Luke didn't know why Elena loves avocado juice so much.

Avocado juice is sweet, but you will taste bitter after you finish swallowing it.