Alex's depression part 1

Lamina was happy to hear Alex would come back home soon. Alex went to Z country for a long time, and he almost didn't have time to return home because of his mission.

Alex spent eight years in Z country, and Alex only returned home three times during his time in Z country.

Alex couldn't call his family frequently because he was busy doing his secret mission in Z country.

Alex went to Z country when he was 21 years old, and he decided to drop out from the university to become a soldier.

There was some mission in his army camp to go to Z country for eight years.

Alex was not the only member of his army camp. The eight years mission didn't include every member of Alex's army camp.

The army leader of Alex's group asks for volunteers to carry out this eight-year mission.

Alex volunteered himself to do this eight-year mission without hesitation. Alex believed he could forget Elena if they didn't live in the same country anymore.