~~~~ Getting Close ~~~~~

As I was parking in the front of the building where I live, I saw my new neighbor exit his apartment. I decided to wait in my car until he left, but he actually just took seat down the stairs. I wondered who he was waiting for. Just when I realize he was just probably going to be siting over there,I opened my car door and I saw a chick with some staff on her hands and just a quite boxes on her car.

- I thought you would never come

Says Giotto to the "chick"

- Of course I would, I don't need this trash.

She said with a condescending tone.

- I guess your Sugar Daddy probably has already wash your mind with the money

He fired back to her.

- At least gets has and gives anything I want

She said, with that she throw the boxes on the floor and left.

- Ketanie, think about us—

He was cut before ending his sentence.

- We? We never were, Giotto get that in your mind.

She said and walked back to her car.

As the chick left, I decided to just go back to my apartment I had to much drama today. Just then.

He saw Isabelle walking by the stairs about to turn right and come up. He went inside his dorm, Giotto was drain emotionally. Ketanie and him had a story very deep to be true. They dated over 3 years, she was very toxic. We could say she was difficult to satisfy. The greed for money was everything to her. Giotto even got in a $20,000 loan to pay for a finance ring which she actually throw at his face back telling him, how she was worth more than that.

Damn... just when I thought I would change your mind Keta..

He said with a broken and shaky voice before closing him apartment door.

The clicking sound could be heard of Isabelle entering her apartment too, she just like him tired of the roller coaster of emotions as for today.