{Accidentally or Coincidentally}

[ Isabelle POV ]

Rough Day deserves a peacefully weekend. I need to get ready for my first week to be honest. I don't even have nothing in my fridge to eat, so annoying. I used to wish being an adult just to be independent, but now I just want to be a teenager again. 8:00 am on Saturday and my thoughts are hitting my mind again. with a sigh of encouragement I wake myself up from my spacious bed.

"At least I made a good investment on my bed"

I said to myself laughing, I might as well going insane.

Entering the shower and the cold breeze touch my body. Slightly shivering from the cold air, I turn on the shower to get ready. Ruining back to my room since my own stupidity forget the towel. Back in the restroom I start to get ready for a Saturday weekend. Ruining my finger through my long soft hair while applying a flower shampoo scent, could never felt more like heaven. The vanilla soft scent filled my nostrils raising a smile from my lips. I then washed my body. I wasn't a petite girl, just a normal grown up women.

Out of the shower drying my head with the towel when I see my computer with an a email notification. Weird I thought. I weekend why would I have an email from the company. Looking Closely at the email it essentially from the Fiorenzio Company... wait the sender was Piero? Wait did I read right? my boss?


I said. I almost forget how to breath after seeing the email sender.

I quickly opened the email.

To: Isabelle24@hgmaix.com

From: Piero@firoenzio.org

Miss Isabelle, greetings.

This is your boss Piero Fiorenzio. Few things that I have to talk to you in person. Make sure to arrive at the office Monday at 5:30 am.

I repeat myself at 5:30 am Monday. Punctual neither one minute late or early.

I don't even know what did I expect from him, but this? Definitely it wasn't. His words and actions spoke more loudly for him. A narcissist type of boss that I have I said. Not mentioning that he wants me two hour before even the company opens? What a hell of day will Monday be to start.

Closing my white old laptop, now with a sour mood decided to go to the kitchen and make a shopping list.

Let see what I need. My fridge wasn't big since I lived in a apartment, I love to have more space rather than be occupied by furniture and other stuff. Opening the fridge, I realize that I don't even have water. Gosh I don't even need a list, I need everything. I close the fridge with a exasperated expression, guess it's time to go to the supermarket. I grab my keys. I made sure to have my phone, wallet, and same shoes. Yeah, same shoes once I went outside just to get my mail and it was embarrassing seeing myself with the wrong shoe pair. Walking out of my apartment, I close the door and made my way to the store. I didn't want to take my car, I wanted to enjoy the sunny Saturday morning. The weather was realize nice today.

The way to the supermarket was rather nice. I mean not every day you enjoy of a quiet walking and clear air. After some minutes I arrived at the first store in town. It was very cute, while I was doing my first tour I wanted to visit this shop. The outside was pink. It was a coffee shop. I haven't eaten yet I thought. The shop looked cool and sophisticated I decided to enter to my surprise there were a lot of girl and barely table opens. Gosh this might be one of those coffee shops that deliciously taste good. I decided to go to the front and order a coffee, I really didn't know what to order since it was my first time there. Looking up for the menu I found myself with a watering mouth. Oh, I should get the Cappuccino with Vanilla and some Chocolate and Mint drops. Looks amazing in the menu photo. To my surprised the barista was a guy. His back looked really nice, his body looked fit from the white shirt, you could see he exercise himself. Wide shoulders and pretty hands. Oh my now I understand why there was so many girls at the shop. I called for his attention to order when to my surprise he turned around and he was the unexpected.


I said pointing my finger at him.

- I have a name baby.

He said in the same tone, holding a chuckle

- You don't know how terrible no, horrible you made my day.

I said.

- Well nice to see you too, baby. I thought we will never meet again. You left me in the streets without even your name.

He said now focusing on me. His pretty eyes looking at me. Big eyelashes. Plump red lips.

How cruel the world was.

- Don't call me baby. We don't even know.

I said Exasperated.

- We have kiss already.

He said taunting me.

I noticed some girls began to whisper and give dirty looks like if I was taking something from them. I roll my eyes at the situation. I decided to leave, I was about to turn around when he grab my arm. Those beautiful hands with longs finger. I felt in a trance.

- C'mon it's on me your coffee.

He said to me, his hand still on my wrist.

We looked at each other eyes. His eyes slowly baiting his eyelashes up and down. Long eyes lashes... those pretty eyes looking so sincerely but dangerous. For the first time I had to blush in front of him. He smiled at me at that moment it looked like the perfection was made in flesh. My heart simply skipped a beat.

- I'll get a Cappuccino with Mint.

I said, forgetting about what I wanted.

From then I knew the power he had on me.