Chapter 32 Ghosts and Tigers!

"I won't let him get away with it, definitely not."

Judy, clad in a high-necked purple robe with traces of wine at her lips, saw that her wine glass was empty.

Li opened her mouth beside her, wanting to say something but unsure what to say. It was incomprehensible to Li why men would not be drawn to Judy like flies, especially those who prospered at dawn but died by dusk.

However, for Judy that was certainly not a bad thing.

"Madam, your phone." A maid with braided hair came over.

Judy picked up the receiver, her voice low and magnetic.

"Hello? Mr. Charles, it's so late, what's the matter? The case? Wasn't the case closed?"

Judy listened quietly to what the lawyer on the other end was saying.

"Alright, Charles, I'll consider it. I'm a bit tired; let's connect some other day."

Judy hung up the phone with her brows deeply furrowed.

"What's going on, Judy?" Seeing Judy's troubled expression, Li asked.