Chapter 33 Follow Me

Many have said that drawing ghosts away with the blood from the tip of one's tongue is incredibly effective, but such matters are always difficult to discern between truth and fiction. However, today Li Yan could responsibly say that using the tip of his tongue's blood to drive away ghosts really hurt...

Immune to piercing through the heart, moving objects through the air, teleportation—if these were things that Li Yan and Zhang Mingyuan could handle together, Li Yan couldn't think of a better method.

A shrill scream pierced Li Yan's ears, causing him pain. The ghostly corpse screamed in agony as it retreated, with plumes of white smoke steaming from its body. Without hesitation, the man stepped forward and fiercely hacked at its skull with the sharp knife in his hand.

Then, a cry of alarm erupted.


Li Yan's heart trembled, and he kicked the ghostly corpse in the chest, sending it flying away, as he looked somewhat conflicted towards the source of the sound.