
"This pilot is adept with the old model. His performance exceeds to that of ace pilots even to that of "Silver Edge's"!" Eckart, the supervisor said in looking at the evaluation footage of Carlo Montenegro inside his Greyhound mecha.

"Silver Edge?" Juliana Hart asked Eckart beside of her.

"Yeah, the well decorated veteran of the Gulf Wars. He was known as the devil hound by the Arabians." Eckart explained and shows her Silver Edge's picture.

"This guy?" Juliana looks surprised.

"Yes, that guy." Eckart confirmed with the picture he shows to Juliana.

Eckart reads the data from Carlo's evaluation carefully. He studied his performance and looks impressed. However upon seeing his reaction to stimulants used by the Titan project he was dismayed.

"Do you know what differs the third generation from fourth generation mecha?" Eckart asked Juliana beside of him.

"It's the stimulant I presume?" Juliana replied with a question.

"Partially, but the difference with the fourth generation from the third is the synapse coordination. Your candidate may pass for a 3.5 + generation mecha but in fourth gen he wont." Eckart faced Juliana.

"It means there is no way, huh?" Juliana replied sadly as she stare at her cup of coffee.

"I believe we are done!, Captain Juliana Hart. If there's any update with my superiors I will contact you." Eckart stood up and opened the door for Juliana.

Juliana nods and thanks Eckart then leaves the room. She was disappointed but she can't do anything about the matter.

While Juliana is busy looking for a potential mecha unit for Carlo. The man is in his room in the infirmary waiting to be discharged. There are goofy men that are thinking of mischiefs towards him. They thought that Carlo had not noticed them yet.

Carlo is not in the mood that time and he tried to open the door after he fixed himself into his uniform. The door wouldn't budge, it seems like they are doing something outside the door. The opaque glass of the door shows that there are people outside. Carlo, then spoke from his side warning those who are making fun of him.

The door suddenly opens before him, two of his friends from the Corps. shows up. They entered the room and comforted Carlo with their jokes. Carlo however, found their attempt not funny tried to laugh because of the eagerness of his friends.

"You guys are hopeless!" Carlo cracked a smile.

"It's been a while Carlo! That Titan project must have been tough. Only ten percent of the candidates has passed the evaluation." Raymond the tall tan man in front of Carlo with the rank of Corporal said.

"I hear it's a 3.5 plus plus generation of mecha." Henry adds to Raymond's comment on the matter.

Our silent and nerdy friend, Ernesto speaks up and asks me about the selection, "How are you feeling now and how is the evaluation exam?"

Carlo silent at first but then I begin to open up to him. "It was bearable at first, difficult and all. Very stressful and complicated, the simulation however was the most difficult of them all." I answered.

His friends look at each other in what they have heard from me. "We are sorry if we asked!" They said in unison.

"It's okay!" Carlo replied.

"Oh, it is almost lunch. It is best we head to the cafeteria for now." Raymond said and goes out.

The rest follows with him outside and Carlo was left in the room by himself. He sat in his bed as he waited for the nurse and the officer in charge to discharge me. At the nick of time they arrive with Juliana with them, the strict and scary assessor.

"Don't be disappointed with yourself with not being able to pass the assessment, Sergeant Carlo Montenegro." The captain said in front of Juliana.

Carlo saluted in response but was told to ease himself as he continue to explain the matters to him.

"You are one of our best pilots of our third generation mecha fleet especially with the Greyhounds. With your talent we want you to promote you but the limitations you posses just does not make you qualified enough." The captain comforts Carlo with his words.

"It's alright for me sir. What matters is I serve the country's armed forces with pride, dignity and honor!" Carlo said confidently.

"Very well, I hope you would continue to become loyal and proud of your country, soldier!" The captain said and saluted which Carlo returned.

The captain and the rest of the officers left but Juliana. She stares at Carlo with that signature scary look. He glanced away from her as she approach him.

"You are always evading me as usual, sergeant!" She said in a chilling tone.

"I am sorry ma'am!" Carlo replied with his hands behind his waist.

"No need to be scared of me. It is sad that you did not qualify for a fourth generation mecha pilot." she said and walks towards his desk.

"What are you..." Before he could finish his sentence he saw her reading a document at his table.

"Nothing serious but the effects of the stimulants may bother with your performance." She said after reading and returns the document.

"Ever heard of the Silver Edge?" She suddenly said in front of him.

"Not familiar!" Carlo responded, unsure who of what she was talking about.

"The expression in your face tells me you do not actually read or watch news. It does not matter, I believe we can start a legend with you being the best among the third generation pilots," She said and continues, "We need people of talent and it is my job to support or improve it. I hope you will continue to do as expected in the days to come!"

She ends her speech and opens the door and with her signature chilly stare towards him, "This may be the last time, I will find a way to improve you. After all, this is an obsession!"

"I really do not get that woman!" Carlo gave a discrete comment as Juliana left.