Chapter 7

Izna's POV

I call my maids to get me ready in the morning. They were nearly half done when Horus barges in.

"This is the Queen's personal dressing chamber. How dare you!", the head of the maids yell at Horus.

"Move!", He simply kicks her out of the way.

"Your majesty, your father was poisoned last night."

"WHAT!!!', I jump off my cushions.

"Because of the celebration no one actually paid attention to the security. Someone took this opportunity to poison him."

"Why'd someone do that? He's already retired."

"I believe it was meant for your husband or you. I'm not sure yet. Please don't step out of your chamber alone. Keep an eye on your husband. He should not go out too."

"Is father gonna be alright?"

"Yes.He realized about being poisoned soon enough. He was treated on time. Don't worry he will heal."

"Thanks to the goddess!"

Unknown POV

No! No! No!!!!!

I'm in deep water this time. That good for nothing maid messed up. She gave him the wrong glass and the Pharaoh's father was poisoned. Of course it wasn't strong enough to kill a warrior like him. What do I do now?

"Your grace, I've caught the maid", Bakari my right hand man says.

"Excellent! Bring her to me."

Two of my guards drag her inside.

"Please please.... your highness... let me go. I will run away with my child. No one will ever know it was you. Please... have mercy," she pleads.

"No that can't be. You messed up. If you resist I will kill your child too. Be a good girl and jump off that window so everyone can see you. They will think you committed suicide. This way your child can survive."

"Please.... please...I beg of you."

"Don't test my patience. Bakari! Bring her daughter here and rape her."

"No!! please! I'll do as you wish. Let my child go... she's innocent."

"I know. Now go ahead. After you die I will make sure your daughter lives a peaceful life."

She jumps off the window. Everyone gather around her deadbody out of curiosity. Soon the royal guards come out to investigate. Our work is done here. We're safe for now.

"Bakari go kill her daughter. I don't care you rape her, torture her,choke her, poison her or cut her into pieces. Just make sure to dispose her body properly."

"Yes your grace!"

It's time for me to go meet the Pharaoh's father and give my regards. After all I'm also an important member of royal court.

The royal guards know me well. They let me in without checking my body. Perfect! I go inside. He's laying on his bed unconscious. One of his male consorts is sitting beside him. This one's his new favorite. This beautiful boy was brought from a country far away. Good for me I managed to bewitch this naive child with my charms. He's one of my puppets now.

"Hello Glaizzer my love, you're looking charming today."

"Thank you." He blushes.

"Do me a favor and give him this poison when he wakes up."

"'re the one who poisoned him?"

"Yes. So that we can be together forever. Don't you love me? Is it because I'm not rich and powerful like him?"

"No of course I love you."

"Then kill him. After he's dead we can run away together."


"Of course I'm doing this for you. You just have to finish what I started. I love you Glaizzer."

"I love you too."

I walk out normally. So no one will suspect me. Even if he gets caught he will never spill a word about me. Poor teenage lover. The gods have mercy on him and give him another rebirth.