Chapter 8

Izna's POV

I can't keep calm. Someone was trying to kill Nephthys. He's just an innocent child. It's hard for him to keep up with all this drama and conspiracy. I need to make sure he's safe.


"Yes your majesty."

"Call for Horus. I need to talk to him immediately."

"Yes your majesty I'll send someone."

After a while.....

"Your majesty, did you call me?"

"Come sit here Horus. Did you find out who did this?"

"Yes. It's your father's consort Glaizzer. He poisoned your father again. This time with a stronger poison. I'm afraid he won't survive this time."

"What's his motive?"

"We don't know yet. He bit off his own tongue after the guards caught him."

"Take me to my father. I want to see him."

"That is not possible right now. You have to attend the royal court. The Pharaoh will declare his decision about this."

"My father's dying."

"You can't help him either way. So please go stand beside your husband. He needs your help. He's not mature enough to handle the pressure."

"I understand."

"Please get ready. I'm waiting outside."

In the court....

I go in and sit on my chair beside the Pharaoh's throne.

"I'm glad you joined me." Nephthys winks."These fools are killing my mood".

"Great Pharaoh please start. We're waiting for long." Iah complains.

"Sure. The consort who poisoned my father bit his tongue and died. His body will be left to perish in this world. I've appointed best doctors to treat father. Everyone pray to the gods."

"Nephthys please reconsider. I don't think he's done this alone. More people might be involved," I plead.

"Shut up woman! He already declared his decision. Plus it's your fault too. You brought bad luck to our kingdom," Imhety snaps.

"Please don't be rude Imhety. She's not our sister anymore. She's the queen," Seth stops him.

"Queen or not I don't care. She's bad luck. She has dark energy in her. I can sense it. I demand The Pharaoh sends her to Hapy's temple for purification," He says pointing his finger at me.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!! You just pointed your finger at my wife. The Pharaoh's wife! This means treason. Guards cut off his finger right now."

Nephthys waves his hand. Guards rush in and bring Imhety on his knees.

"Nephthys you can't do this to me. I'm your older brother."

"Cut two more of his fingers for denying my orders."


"You know what, cut his whole wrist."

"Please I beg of you..."

"One more word and I'm cutting off your other arm and legs. Guards take him away. Court dismissed for today."

He stands up grabs my hand and starts walking. I was in shock i couldn't even say a word. For a child he sure is heartless and cold. I regain my sense and stop.

"What's wrong Izna?"

"Nephthys why did you do that? He's our brother."

"I don't care. He should have known his place."

"This is wrong! You're misusing your powers."

"I'm the Pharaoh. I'm God of this land. I can do whatever I want. Come with me quietly or I'll cut off your tongue right now. I don't mind having a mute wife."

Without saying a word I follow him. He might actually cut off my tongue. My eyes start tearing. He's not like how I thought he is. He's abusive and cold just like father. What have I dragged myself into....