Chapter 9

Izna's POV

He's sitting beside the pond for hours. I can't even call him. I fear he will cut off my tongue. I just sit here and wait.

"Izna come here."


"Why are you scared?"

"I'm.. not."

"Did anyone bully you? Just tell me I'll cut off their heads."

"No one bullied me."

"Listen Izna I'm going to the east to war. Don't let anyone bully you. Be strong Ok?"


"And don't let any man touch your body."


"Will you miss me?"

"Of...of course."

"Wait for me. I will definitely come back in two years."

"I will."

"Do you love me?"

" you?"

"You don't?"

"Of...of course I do. I love you the most. You're my husband Nephthys."

"Say my name again."






After this he made me say his name about thousand times. I was really scared I couldn't deny him.

"Izna come sit on my lap."

"Are you sure? I'm a bit heavier than you."


"I'm sorry."

I quickly sit on his lap.

"I'm your man. When you treat me like a boy my heart breaks. Please don't do that again. I will grow up to be a great warrior and make your heart skip a beat."

"I'm... I'm looking forward for your success."

"Izna if I ask for something will you give me that?"

"You're the Pharaoh. You have everything."

"Not everything. It's something only you can give."


"Take off your clothes."

"Wha....pardon me?"

"Take off your clothes. I'm gonna mark your body with my name to make sure you always belong to me."

"I'm not a thing. You can't do this."

"Are you denying my order?"

"No. I'm sorry. Please do as you wish."

" I will never ever hurt you again I promise. Just this once let me be selfish. Forgive me please."

I'm waiting naked on our bed. Nephthys went to bring the seal he wants to mark me with. I don't know how much it'll hurt. I've heard the slaves screaming for hours after getting marked. Please goddess help me survive this.

He brings back two seals.

"This one has your name curved on it. Press this to my chest Izna."

"Why? You'll get hurt."

"Exactly. I want to feel as much as pain you feel. Do it."

"I can't."

"It's an order."

I press it on his chest. He bites on his own hand to endure the pain. After that it's my turn. He press the seal with his name on my waist. I scream with all my energy.

Horus come in with an axe.

"Your majesty!!! What happened?"

"HOW DARE YOU!!! Lowly slave ! How did you enter the room when the Pharaoh's with his wife?"

"Forgive me great Pharaoh. I thought her majesty was attacked."

"Go back right now. Don't come in unless I call you."

I can't feel my waist and hips anymore. My whole body starts shaking. Eventually faint after a while....

When I wake up after two days, He's gone.

"Your majesty congratulations!"

"What do you mean Horus?"

"You became one with your husband."

"No I didn't."

"What? That...that night I clearly heard you scream...then..I came weren't wearing any clothing...."

"Horus come here."

I take off my skirt and show him the burn mark.

"Your majesty!!!! What happened?"

"Nephthys did this."

"Curse of the gods!!! If anyone gets to know it'll be a scandal."

"What do I do?"

"I will ban any maids from touching your body. Please cover up properly in front of others. If anyone sees this you might lose your position as the first queen."

I should have known. In the end, everyone cares about power. No one actually cares about me. I wonder if my mother was alive she'd care...sigh...