Chapter 40

Umena's POV

Since the Pharaoh left me alone I have nothing to do. Why not go and roam around??

"Where are you going, my lady?" My handmaid Anippe asks.

"I'm just going out for a bit."

"You mustn't!!! The Queen's palace is right there."

"Oh wow!!! I want to see her from close. You won't believe Anippe! She looks like a goddess.The dress she was wearing before was so shiny and beautiful."

"NO! Absolutely not...."

"Don't worry I just want to see her. I won't make trouble."


I finally persuaded Anippe to let me come here. She was worried that the queen will be mean to me. I don't think she's mean or evil.

"Stop right there." The Queen's guards stop me."Where are you going?"

"To see the queen...."

"And what business do you have with the queen?"

"I just want to see her...."

"Why? Are you trying to harm her? Poison her?" One of the guards yell at me.

"She must be here to make fun of the queen." Second guard says.

"These royal whores!! As soon as they get a place in the Pharaoh's harem, they start plotting against others." Another guard says.

"Exactly! We mustn't let her go in."

They're looking at me like I'm a disgusting creature. I feel so ashamed my eyes start tearing.

"What's happening here?"

I see someone approaching. I know him. The handsome man from before!!!

"Come here Horus. See this little whore came to visit her majesty. I'm sure she's plotting something. Should I whip her ass?" All of them laughs.

"IDIOTS!!! Do you want to start another war? You have any idea who her father is?"


"Shut up!! Go do your duty. Let me deal with her."

They run away immediately.

"I'm so sorry my lady. Those idiots made you cry. Please don't mind them. They're just lowly creatures. If you want I can cut off their tongues."

"No.. no... You don't have to."

"You're too kind."

"Thank you."

"What are you doing here this late? It's your wedding night."

"Umm...I wanted to see the queen. I couldn't introduce myself to her before. She might think I'm rude....I promise I'm not plotting anything."

"Of course! My queen will be happy to have your company. Please, this way."

The way he said "my queen" It's weird because only the Pharaoh should say something like that. Or am I thinking too much?? Maybe it's how they address the queen here.

He takes me to the Queen's chamber. She's sitting on the floor facing her back to us. I can't believe she's actually sitting on the floor.

"Horus!! I called you so many times. Did you bring milk?"

"Your majesty, look who's here."

She turns to us. She's wearing a normal outfit. But looks stunning. And she's holding something in her hands.

"Is that a cat???!!!!!!!" I jump out of excitement.