Chapter 47

Izna's POV

"I'm soooo bored!!"

"Me too Izna. Let's go play outside. We haven't played outside in a week."

"I know but Horus is too strict."

"Since he's not here we can sneak out to play. Then come back and pretend normal."

"Or we can do something even better."

"What's that?"

"Let's go tease Nephthys."

"'re serious?"

"Yup. We won't get another golden chance like this time."

"Your majesty, whatever you're thinking may get you in trouble."

Oh shoot! Horus came back early. I was thinking I'd go and tease Nephthys before he comes back. We're getting another lecture session.

"Hooooorrrrrruuuuusssssssss...." I bat my eyes at him.

" I'm not falling for your cute act."




"Your majesty please act like a queen."

"This is the last time. I'll behave after this. I promise."

"Absolutely not."

"Ok. I get it. Horus only cares for his Pharaoh. I thought he loved me. Let's go Umena. He's heartless!!"

"I'm not falling for that."

"Of course you won't. You don't get the beauty of comedy. You're too heartless. We're leaving your sight."

I take Umena with me and start walking.

Horus's POV

The queen is acting childish nowadays. She wasn't like this before. I bet it's a side effect of staying with that kid for too long. I need to kick that kid out of this palace. My queen is getting spoiled because of her. I can't believe she started acting like a kitten to convince me. Like that will ever work on me. She's the one who was defeated and left. Umm wait a sec!!! She tricked me!! She left with Umena and now they are going to tease the Pharaoh. Ugh!!! I didn't notice that. I'm such a fool.