Chapter 48

Nephthys's POV

"Great Pharaoh, the queen just arrived. Do you wish to see her?"

"WHAT!!!!! No!!! Absolutely not!!!!" I can't let Izna see me in this condition. I need to dress up and look handsome first. "FAHDIL!!! Go stop her. Right now!!"

"Too late. I'm already in here." She burges in with Umena. Oh no! She will laugh at my condition for sure.

"Greetings great Pharaoh. May the gods shine their blessings upon you." Umena says with respect. But it sounds rather mockery to me. This bitch can't be trusted. She dared to give something weird to me. Also she has the nerve to visit me.

"My love I was worried about you. How are you doing now?" Izna sits beside me.

I feel uncomfortable. I'm sure I look worse than a peasant now. For her to be this close to me feels a bit awkward.

"Yes. I'll be fine in a week. Then we will have a feast. Please accompany me."

"Of course. I'm looking forward for the feast. By the way, I brought something for you."

"Really??" My heart starts beating faster. She brought a present for me!!!!

"Yes. It's a charm I bought from a witch. She said it'll help you heal faster. Umena, bring it here."

Umena hands over a silk made sachet. Praise the gods!! My queen brought me something she bought herself. It's not any ordinary show off present. She choose it herself. A present filled with love!!! I open the sachet only to be shocked. I look at Izna. She's looking at me eagerly. Is she naive or pretending??

"Yo...your majesty!! Do you have any idea what is it?" Fahdil clears his throat.

"It's a lucky charm."

"Umm.... actually.... it's not."

"It's not?" She looks surprised.

"I'm afraid it's not, your majesty. It's something usually given to an eunuch by their master."

"Whaa....I ..I .. didn't.. I swear...." Her cheeks turn rosy. Looks like she's about to cry.

"It's ok." I hold her hand.

"No.... it' come..."

"My love it's ok. You don't have to be upset. You were tricked by a cheap witch. I'm not angry."

I look at Umena. She's bitting her lips to hold in her laugh. I'm pretty sure she's the one who tricked my innocent naive queen. This type of cheap tricks are often played in the harem. This bitch!!! I will have to teach her a lesson later.

"Nephthys I should leave now. I'll come visit later." She must feel awkward after this.

"Promise me you will come tomorrow."

"I promise."

"Ok. You can go. May the Gods protect you." I give her a kiss on her cheek.

I thought I'll get to spend some more time with her. If it wasn't for that bitch Umena who ruined the moment. I have to make sure she doesn't stand in my way ever again.