Chapter 49

Izna's POV

As soon as we get out of Pharaoh's palace, we burst out laughing.

"I thought I'd die. It was so hard to keep myself stable."

"You did great Izna! Specially the crying part. How did you manage to look sad when you're bursting from inside?"

"Hehe... How do you think I survived the royal court until now? I practiced this in front of a mirror for years."


"Yup. Although I can't do better than Horus. He's so good at acting even I get fooled sometimes."

"I never knew it."

"He's a master at this."

"Can you teach me?"

"Sure I can."

Few hours later....

"No!!! Wrong!!! More vulgar expression, more emotions!!!"

"Isn't it enough?"

"Of course not!! You call this acting? You're hopeless."

So Horus has been teaching Umena how to act like a pro royal. He's a bit harsh to her. But that's just his usual form.

"Your majesty, a maid from concubine Umena's palace is here. Her name is Anippe."

"Let her come in."

The guard comes back after a while escorting Anippe.

"Greetings wife of the great Pharaoh, queen of God's land. I came for my master. I hope you're not bothered by my presence."

"No I'm not. You can discuss whatever you want to with Umena."

"What is it now Anippe!!!? I'm not bathing in that stinky milk again." Umena seems annoyed seeing her maid.

"My lady, your father sent a message. He's visiting you in three days. That's all I wanted to say. I'll take my leave now."

Umena turns pale after hearing this.

"Umena are you ok?"

"What do I do Izna? I don't want to see him. I have no pleasant memory of him. He was always ruthless to me."

"Don't worry. You have us this time. I won't let him harm you."

She starts crying. I pull her close to my chest. No matter who she is she's still an innocent child. I will never let anyone use a child's heart to satisfy their own greed. This time I have to take a step against commander Yusef.

"Horus you know what to do, right?"

"Of course your majesty."