Journey towards The capital

Ryuk was in the darkness for a total of 15 days and nights constantly pondering about the meaning of life, and questioning his mothers requests. Ryuk emerged from the dark cave. His youthful face seemed to have some profound change. His beautiful face seemed serious and aged. Ryuk took in a breath of the fresh forest air and let out a queer smile. He would abide his mothers wishes he would live. Ryuk then released his spirit guide. He commanded his blood to regress partially. His tiger arms slowly took on its prior human appearce following this the rest of the beast parts on Ryuk body disappeared. Actually they didn't disappear they are just hidden within his body. Ryuk didnt do anything do anything to his Qilin blood so his eyes were still golden with a black sclera. Ryuk didnt bother with his Qilin blood because he knew that some techniques or certain families have certain properties that alter minor physical properties like eyes or hair. Ryuk then moved towards Green Doe village he needed to confirm that no one who saw him was alive. Ryuk arrived and saw the previous Village completely gone only left with a few broken debris. Ryuk closed his eyes and began to focus of the flow of blood, but he didnt feel any ripples meaning there was no human life around 10 km.

Ryuk then walked towards the capital of the bull empire. Along the way Ryuk killed a few rank 4 beasts and then made them into a impromptu robe. Finally Ryuk reached the edge of Green doe villages territory after 18 days, but as he was about to leave he looked back and stared silently towards his old home and his mothers resting place. He stood there silently as the wind whistled and his hair danced. Ryuks eyes seemed to darken a maturity in it. He was only 15 yet he had to rely on himself and leave home this naturally caused him to age mentally. Ryuk smirked and walked forward.


2 months later in a small town a cold wind blew into the normally warm town and with it came a boy. The boys body was covered in scratches and scars, but they did not hide his unmatched beauty. This boy was naturally Ryuk. Ryuk fell down right as he entered the town. The few citizens near the entry gate were given a shock when someone randomly fainted, but when they saw Ryuk they all rushed to help. They took him to a clinic and the doctor said something that shocked them. "This boy is fine. He is just mentally taxed and his foundation stage cultivation in lacking in stability. Furthermore it looks like he is malnourished. So he just needs a bit of rest for his mind to recover and his malnourishment should be easy to solve with his cultivation and a few good dishes. His cultivation he needs to find his stability himself we cant help." After the diagnosis one of the villagers asked in a shocked manner. "Foundation stage! He's an immortal. My lord at such an age! Even the town chief is only at condensation 2! We should take him to the capital to recover our village simply isn't worthy!"

"What are you saying old Ji if we can put this child in our debt we can get rid of those thieves!" Another villager spoke cunningly. This solution to the villagers problems got a spit opinion some were considering it seriously, but others didnt want to do it either because of Ryuks age or because of him being a foundation stage cultivator. "What if he finds out we are using him you fool!" The man called old Ji snarled. "No matter how strong he is he is still a kid. How could he possibly differentiate between Goodwill and us using him?" Another villager spoke up. Soon enough everyone except Old Ji was on board with using Ryuk.

Ryuk himself was currently in his head going through the memories of various techniques he had got. Most of the memories of the techniques weren't complete or they were biased so Ryuk had to get rid of them. "Ah! I nearly died in that last battle. Luckily I made it to this town so i can recuperate." Ryuk sighed. Ryuk actually after looking through so many techniques actually felt that he should get rid of this function in his spirit guide. "Every technique has a flaw. Each fighting stance has a weakness, every breathing technique has some sort of problem further down. I should just stick to my original plan and make my own techniques, but having some other techniques as examples wouldnt hurt." Ryuk sighed as he thought about that.

After 2 days Ryuk woke up. Surrounding him were many odd faces each with a creepy smirk on their face. Ryuk first thanked them for taking care of him. They naturally said it was of no concern they were just doing their duty. Ryuk found their behavior odd, but he didnt feel any danger so he didnt care. Ryuk downed many dishes until he felt his body near the point of bursting. Ryuk paid a visit to the doctor to get a analysis of his body and the doctor said he was complete fine and also added that he should stabilize his cultivation. Ryuk nodded his head along with the analysis of his body and then left. He followed what the doctor said and began to stabilize his foundation when he heard loud screams break the quiet town. Ryuk at first couldn't be bothered, but as his instinctively sensed a battle he couldn't help but standup.

As Ryuk got outside he saw all the townsmen on their knees. A large bear like man wearing a leather jacket embroided with a green card was lecherously looking at some girls while his pack with similar outfits were fiddling through the townsmens clothes for money and jewelry.

"Stop! You brats come here and let this old man teach you some manners!" Ryuk barked out. Some of the grunts who heard this were instant put into a horrid mood the rest laid back waiting for the kid in front of them to die. Their boss on the other hand had his brows furrowed. He couldnt sense this childs energy fluctuations and even the most mortal person had a ripple, but this child didnt. The boss knew there was only one way that he couldnt sense his fluctuations was that his cultivation base was higher, but seeing the young looking Ryuk he couldnt believe that. 4 slim looking men and 2 ugly women surrounded Ryuk licking their lips like wild beasts. "Pity kid! If you didn't try and act tough we might've been lenient and sold you as a sex slave, but now im gonna gut you!" A ugly fish eyed man snickered. Ryuk raised an Eyebrow and smirked and said "You worthless monkey! Who gave you the right to talk to me! If you keep talking like a bitch you might as well go and fuck a dog!" The man had an ugly expression on his face after getting into the green carp gang since when had his honor been insulted like this. "Go die!" He shouted and threw a throwing knife. "Hmph! Fool." Ryuk snickered and caught the knife. The 4 men and women chuckled at what Ryuk was doing, but when they saw him catch the knife and break it and then see there not being a single scar on his hand they were shocked. "His clothes! They... They are rank 4 demonic beasts!" A man standing next to the big man screeched. "Oh. So you noticed my prey. Now you probably figured out this is going to be your burial ground." Ryuks golden eyes caused 20 men to fall to their knees. "Hmph! Using the 1000000 hells is too good for you trash, but be glad that I dont want to bully the weak." The remaining men were at least condensation stage 2 cultivator's so Ryuk left them alive to have some fun and even better their leader was a foundation stage cultivator. As the remaining men tried to run away a black flash danced past and snapped their necks. Only the leader and his heavy breaths was alive. "Who are you? What sect are you from. Im from the golden feet sect. Outer disciple Andro Wilco." The biggest man said with a shaking voice. Ryuk seemed to not hear him and said "Did you know speed isnt only about technique or whether someone has uses an element corresponding with speed like wind. Speed is more about technique with each step how you use your energy." Ryuk closed his eyes replaying what just happened his speed. Ryuk had been practicing with ways to increase speed and finally he found and answer, but only today did it work. "Answer me!" Andro shouted. "Shut up! Even if you were gods son I wouldn't care. These people helped me so I thought it would be best to sever our karma by saving them from you and now that I've made a decision no one can stop me! So just die." Ryuk snickered and turned into a blur and shot a fist. Ryuk smiled as his hand passed through Andros chest. "I've done as my mother taught me and beat the bad guy, and at the same time I got to kill." Ryuk rejoiced in his heart.

The villagers had a mix of joy and fear. This was especially so for those who tried to use Ryuk. Old Ji got on his knees and thanked Ryuk with long tears swimming across his face. "Thank you. Master Ryuk. In the past these monsters killed my son. I thank you from the bottom of my heart please ask for anything even if it is my life." Ryuk waved his hand around and said with a gentle smile "You don't need to do that. I did it because I wanted to."

Ryuk got some directions and then left the town the next day early morning, but his previous makeshift clothes were now made into a fine black robe. The old women of the town forced Ryuk to give them the clothes so they could make some nice clothes for Ryuk and the end result left Ryuk with a large smile.

As Ryuk was about to enter Dew village the subsidiary of the capital Da city. A large sound pulled Ryuks head up. Ryuk saw a large flame ball speeding at him. Ryuk felt insignificant in front of the fireball and could only lift his hand up, but the fireball turned into a shiny golden Ring. The ring made a sharp turn going against gravity and fit itself on Ryuks right hands middle finger. Ryuk was dumbfounded the thing that made him feel like a worm was a ring what's more it seemed to be coming at him. Ryuk then felt a incredible pain. His skin and muscles which had evolved past any human or common beast was pierced instantly as if his body was tofu. The rings claws stopped at his bone and then a large auction force came forth and absorbed gallon after gallon of Ryuks blood. Then the Ring connected to Ryuks soul forcibly. Ryuk got on one knee with a pale face and wry smile. "What the fuck?"