Mysterious Ring. Ryo. Tournament. (Mistake fixed)

Ryuk Stared at the ring on his finger in absolute fear. The ring not only made him feel lower than a bug, but it also siphoned so much of his blood. Ryuk felt his skin regrow around the Ring. "This fucking thing is attaching itself to my body! Lord save me! I dont want to lose my precious little life like this." Ryuk began to ramble on incessantly at fear of being attached to this deadly thing.

After about 5 minutes Ryuk calmed down. He looked at his middle finger eyeing the ring like an experienced jeweler. After sensing that it posed no danger to his soul. He operated it to connect with the ring. Suddenly Ryuk ethereal form was inside a large space with no limits. Inside the ring was a long stone, a egg, a few fruits, and some blood tubes with a piece of paper scribbled in an unknown language. There was also a scroll which he could understand it was a technique. "7 Great poison blood: Extremely dangerous!" Ryuk forgot about his surprise about the ring and quickly read through the technique. The technique basically morphed the blood in the body into poison basically making it a weapon, but more so this was a technique made to make sure no one could win if the person who used the technique died. Ryuk huffed and decided to use this technique as memories of the Qilin filled his mind. Ryuk then looked at the blood samples and felt an intense hunger coming from his soul, but eventually controlled himself as he didnt know what they were used for. Ryuk looked at the fruit which gave him a similar feeling as the ring and decided that it was probably something he couldn't handle. The stone seemed completely ordinary so Ryuk ignored it, but when his eyes landed to the egg he saw a few drops of blood fall from above onto the egg. Then another few drops fell and each time they fell and touched the egg Ryuk felt an increased intimacy with the egg. Suddenly the egg began to palpitate and wobble incessantly. Ryuk then saw many beautiful cracks form like a spiderweb. A little pup covered in mucus was lying flat on the ground with its eyes closed. Ryuk found the pup so adorable that he let out an accidental "awww"

The pup had two long ears pointing up and a black back. Ryuk had seen this animal in a book before. It was a Jackal. The Jackal rolled around on its back trying to find a comfortable spot to rest eventually it knocked into Ryuks leg. The pup shot its eyes open. Its Auburn eyes looked very beautiful. To others the pup might have looked ugly, but to Ryuk he found it adorable. The pup then stood like a dog with a smile on its face and said in its cute voice "Mama." Ryuk felt his heart churn and his eyes wet. Ryuk hugged the Jackal and showed it as much attention as he could. Very quickly the pup turned into a young adult. Ryuk found the growth rate scary, but he soon realized there was something even more confusing. "Did this Jackal come out of a egg?!" Ryuk shouted in his mind. The Jackal soon asked his 'mother' for his name. "Hmm. Well my mother has horrible naming sense and Im pretty sure I inherited that. How about Ryo?" Ryuk said with his hand on his chin. "Yay! Im Ryo! Im Ryo!" Ryo jumped around excitedly. Ryuk felt his heart warm. Ryuk then brought Ryo out of the ring. Ryo seemed to find the world entirely ugly and only focused on his mother. "Mama. Where are we going?" Ryo asked. "Ryo dont call me mama. Im a man y'know" Ryuk said awkwardly. "Dada?" Ryo said wagging his tail wildly. "Uhh. How about Ryuk." Ryuk said in exasperation. "No! Only mama, papa or master. Ryo sorry, but won't listen." Ryo threw his head left and right and said that. "Ugh. Fine call me master then." Ryuk finally accepted.

Ryuk and Ryo walked towards Dew village, but as soon as he entered he got alot of stares. Ryuk felt a bolt of lightning race up his spine. "Fuck they know! I was sure that no one was alive! Fuck!" Ryuk shouted in his head. Ryuks back was washed in cold sweat as he stopped walking. Ryo naturally saw the stares and got very angry barking out "You ugly pigs dont look at my master! Keep looking and I'll tear your eyes out."

Finally one of the pedestrians from the crowd surrounded Ryuk moved forward. It was a girl about 19 with long green hair and big purple eyes. Her steps were slow and heavy. Ryuk felt his hands become clammy. "Umm... Mr. Do you have a girlfriend. If you dont will you please consider me your highness." The girl bowed and spoke loudly. Ryuk was dumbfounded. "Aren't I a criminal? Why is this girl asking to become my girlfriend? Is she trying to get me to lower my guard? Yes that must be it! They are trying to keep me here until their reinforcements arrive. Hahaha cower in my almighty brain you mortals!" Ryuk roared in his head. "No." Ryuk said coldly furrowing his brows almost as if in disgust. The girl didnt cry or anything instead she had a nosebleed. Many other men and women similarily had a nosebleed. Ryuk was shocked and thought they were preparing for a technique and readied his arms in front of himself. Yet nothing happened. Finally an old man wearing large chainmail explained to Ryuk. "Kid you probably are in isolation alot aren't ya? No wonder at your age your foundation stage. Anyway here wear this helmet dont want any more young maidens or men to fall prey to your devilish looks. Hahaha." The old man laughed heartily as if he had seen the funniest thing ever. Ryuk also noticed the subtle energy fluctuations of a condensation 3 cultivator. "Eh? That shouldn't be im ugly." Ryuk asked the old man who looked at him with a are you stupid? Gaze. The old man even found himself falling into Ryuks looks how could he be ugly. No. If he is ugly then everyone should be shit. The old man bonked Ryuk on the head and left. Ryuk moved towards a window and when he saw his reflection he was given a scare. My face is back to its original state. Actually its even more handsome than before." Ryuk spoke sliding his finger across his chin. Ryuk finally understood why he was stopped and thanked the guard in his heart and put on the helmet.

As Ryuk entered the city he was left dumbfounded. Large towering buildings covered the Sky. Surrounding the city was a massive white stone wall with a width of 20 horses kept head to tail. Ryuk felt his ears ring as the roaring of machinery and bargaining penetrated his virgin ears. Ryuk would constantly move from stall to stall looking at all the exotic materials. He looked like a total countryside hick. Ryo would occasionally steal a fruit or fish and chuckle in an evil manner. Suddenly Ryuk heard Ryo screech. He turned around and saw a bug burly fat man followed by 10 rough looking men in a silver armor. The fat man was stepping on Ryo's tail and not letting loose. "Daughter is this the one you want?" The fat man asked a girl about 30 years old next to him all the while Ryo's was crying from having its tail stepped on. "Boy leave thi..." The fat man smirked at Ryuk and commanded, but a powerful fist met his ugly face. Ryuks eyes which could be seen through the helmet were shimmering in red light even the pure gold iris was toned in red. The fat man lost all his teeth and his nose was obliterated. "You fuck! Touch Ryo again and I'll kill you!" Ryuk snarled. Ryo ran behind Ryuk and snarled as well, but it was also shooting a you mess with me, you mess with my boss look. The 10 guards immediately shot at Ryuk permeation with killing intent. Ryuk took out a small sword he took from the bandit bods. He swiped it nonchalantly causing some to give him a perplexed look, but any cultivator in the crowd felt inexplicable fear as well as reverence. An invisible force fell on all the men pushing them far away they each had long scars all over their bodies and their nerves were all cut in their arms and legs. Ryuk sheathed the sword. Guards at early truth stage shot at Ryuk, but a middle aged man stopped them. The guards got on their knees and spoke in unison "Guard greets imperial sect Elder." "Hahaha kid. Your sword intent is fierce and your cultivation base is really fierce even though its at foundation stage 1 Its totally comparable to an average foundation stage 5 or 6 cultivator. How about you join this. Its a tournament the prizes are pretty sick also you can join the imperial sect if you reach the top 5 and im sure you've heard of the imperial sect power." The middle aged man with tanned skin said as he pointed at a large banner on the city gates. Ryuk read through the prizes and the top pride was some medicinal pills and a base stabilizing medicine. Ryuk eagerly nodded at the middle aged man, but realized he had disappeared. Ryuk headed towards the stadium where the tournament would happen.