Ryuks arrogance.

A month had passed since Ryuk entered the sect. Half of the month was spent on understanding everything there was to know in the library and the rest on sharpening his skills. Ryuk arrived in front of a large bulletin board in the mission hall made of some strange jade like material. The bulletin board constantly had information running through it. Ryuk did as the others were doing and put his hand on the bulletin board and his conciousness appeared in a void with a screen with numerous options on it. Ryuk confusion became understanding through some trial and error. Ryuk clicked on the section of the screen saying missions. Hundreds of missions filled Ryuks mind with all sorts of information. Ryuk skimmed through each mission and found two that were easy for him to do and had good rewards.

The first mission was an escort mission. The person who needed to be escorted was a princess of one of the sects many kingdoms. The mission had 2 black stars out of 5 meaning it was easy for early foundation stage experts to do. The reward was 100 Magic stones, but the mission needed 5 people and the reward was split between everyone. Ryuk quickly recollected what magic stones were and said aloud "Magic stones are condensed forms of qi. It is the main form of currency in any kingdom or sect. Magic stones were also graded into low grade, mid grade, upper grade, Ultra grade, but the grade of magic stones wasn't disclosed so from assumption of grade of mission the spirit stones will be low grade."

The second mission was an bounty hunt of a Bandit group terrorizing a small clan under the imperial sects control. The reward is 50 low grade magic stones and whatever you find in the bandit hideout. The black star ranking was also 2.

Ryuk pondered for a bit and decided to choose both after Ryuk saw that the first mission will happen in a months time. Ryuk left the mission hall and went to his house to prepare.


Ryuk took of his sect clothes once he was far away from the sect and put on his beast robes. The reason Ryuk did this was because of what Thomas had said to him before of the sects weak power. Ryuk knew that if the other sects in equality with the imperial sect saw any chance to cut off the legs of their enemy they would do it no matter how small. Ryuk then brought out comet who had been training with Ryo in his ring. With Comet Ryuk managed to reach the bandit hideout in a few days, but Ryuk had trouble finding where the actual base was. Luckily Ryuk had been able to find a few signs of life and following it he entered a seemingly common cave which was connected to a large valley full of life and houses. Ryuk used his spiritual sense that he acquired with his first tribute to study the landscape and then he used his spirit guides ability to count the life. There were 50 people in the valley 30 condensation 3 cultivators, 19 early foundation stage cultivators and 1 mid foundation stage cultivator. Ryuk was undoubtedly shocked he had Learnt that each grade rise in foundation stage is incredibly difficult most people even spend 10 years on a single grade furthermore the strength of this group was equal to the main force of a small sized kingdom. Ryuk could beat this kind of force, but Ryuk would never eat a leg when he could get the whole chicken. He gripped his sect Token that had the property of contacting the sect and sent his soul into it. He sent a mission to the mission hall talking about the bandits and said that the previous 2 black star rating was wrong and that it was a 4 star rated mission. The sect responded in a little while and after receiving proof they altered the rating. Ryuk was then asked to leave so stronger disciples could handle the matter, but Ryuk simply said "Make sure my reward and my compensation for the misinformation is ready when im back."

Ryuk moved his hand in front and controlled his fire and wood laws to release. The potent vitality of the wood fueled the bright and powerful azure flame making it a sea of heat. Ryuk then threw the wood and fire down to the valley like a bomb. Ryuk was expecting a good result, but soon he witnessed a sight he wouldnt forget the flame he worked so hard to master just disappeared. Suddenly Ryuk felt his sense madly bark. A long spear flew through the air and grazed Ryuk across the face. Ryuk then saw a man with a skinny build and a large puffy beard float and mock "What is this puny kid thinking coming here?" Ryuk flew back and took out his two swords and had the natural instinct to run as fast as he could, but feeling of helplessness suffocated that instinct. Ryuk looked at the man who had a mid grade foundation stage cultivation in fear only overshadowed by the feeling of seeing the string representing the universes will, the beasts in the dream and the tall castle where the imperial sect was, but even then that fear seemed like a ghost, this fear was corporeal. "Your flame laws are good kid, but you are too naive. Laws are only one aspect of strength you were too overconfident." The man said almost as if consoling the dead. Ryuk instinctively nodded as he felt the warm blood fall down his jade skin. How long had it been since Ryuk had feared a weapon even the weapon in Mooneyes hands wasnt a big deal for him even though it was tough and mighty. "You used you wind element to suffocate my flame and to speed up your spear which with the increased velocity became an extremely threatening existence." Ryuk said his thoughts aloud. The man nodded and said "Smart." Ryuk was fearful, but also glad. Recently Ryuk had gone through a variety of changes and he had lost himself in his arrogance. Ryuk still vividly remembered his battle with Daniel. Ryuk remembered his weak body, frail laws and pathetic skills killing an experienced, powerful and skilled man. Ryuk laughed at himself "To think I thought I was really all that because of a bit of luck. Devil? Weapon? Soul? They are all empty things without someone who uses his brain." Ryuk said in his head. Ryuk looked at the man in front of himself no longer as prey, but as a respected opponent. "Thank you. Recently I lost myself, but because of your helpful words I found myself again. I hope that you will accept this humble request to battle." Ryuk said as his gold eyes turned red his blood boiling. The man smiled gently at Ryuk and said "I had a grandson once. He was very talented, but one day he messed with someone he shouldn't. When I a simple windowed villager heard this I knew there was nothing I could do, but one day I felt the wind whisper to me comfort me. That day I was reborn. You remind me of my grandson and I think my wind desires to fight you as well. I Long Hai accept your request."

Ryuk got into a weird fighting stance that he copied from some monkeys. Ryuk moved calmly using the insight of the water each time. Ryuk felt the fire in his blood course making each cell combust all their energy at a remarkable speed. The wood law constantly replenishing that fire. The metal law enforced his bones constricting them tightly packing the atoms making it stronger. The earth law generated an unyieldingly spirit in Ryuk. Each of the separate laws were now working together like oil and fire. Long Hai smiled gently at Ryuk spreading the wind in his body to every cell. Ryuk used his sword intent his hand moving gently at times and wild at other times like a wave of the sea. The sword energy flew at an extreme speed with a impressive force, but what was more scary was that it seemed to consume all opposing force. Long Hai shifted his hand causing the wing law to sweep the area where the sword strike was. All the gas molecules in the area around the sword energy. A large vacuum formed destroying the sword energy. Ryuk was stunned and said "Senior. Your wind law is indeed Profound." Ryuk then used the earth law to manipulate the caves terrain causing long pillars to erupt from the ground trapping Long Hai. Long Hai condensed the air into a bubble around him each time the stone pillar came into contact with the wind it was cut like tofu and broken into dust. Ryuk focused and realized something "A vacuum is his greatest defence, but also his greatest weakness."

Ryuk manipulated the minerals in the earth to condense making the rocks very hard Ryuk also shot a barrage of flame sword energies at the old man. The old man sped the speed of the wind law tearing apart the hard stone, and created a vacuum for the fire arrows. Ryuks hand shot through the vacuum. As the sword flew through the vacuum Ryuks hand that was in the vacuum turned bright red with large blood pockets spreading on his skin the blood itching to be released and Ryuks sword warped in shape. Long Hai was suprised and removed the vacuum accepting death. Ryuk didnt say anything and threw his sword on the ground and began to walk away. Long Hai who was waiting for death was shocked and asked "you're not going to kill me?" Ryuk looked back and said "Three reasons. First you helped me realize something important that I'm not invincible and relying on external factors will soon lead me to death. Second you just pillaged you haven't done anything that bad so its fine. Third. You still have to complete your revenge. I never had a grandpa, but when I see your eyes I remember my mother. Anyway I wish you the best with your revenge. Oh right you should probably leave the Imperial sect is coming." Ryuk then left. The old Long Hai began to cry and also embedded the image of Ryuk into his head.