The escort mission.

Ryuk contacted the sect and explained that the enemies used a kamikaze tactic and that he barely survived. Ryuk headed for the meeting spot of his second mission.

A month later in a random spot in a forest three men and two females were staring at each other. Ryuk was sitting on a branch his black hair swayed as his cold gold eyes surveyed the rest of his group.

In the group there was Dede she was a commoner who managed to use the coat tails of her sister to join the sect. Dede was extremely average in everything except her personality which was over the top. She constantly pushed people down with her words. Ryuk found her repulsive and stayed away from her.

Mongoose was the nickname of a fat man who also happens to be a prince of a high grade empire under the imperial sects control. His temperament was arrogant, but also humble. Ryuk and Mongoose had been the first to arrive and they had gotten close during this period.

Sally was the last female. She had been in the outer sect for 5 years. Although her cultivation was at early foundation she is said to be able to fight against high grade foundation stage experts. Ryuk didn't sense any danger from her and assumed against ordinary late foundation stage experts she could probably win. Her personality was strict and mean. She obviously disliked Ryuks talent and ability.

Luther was the son of the purple cloaked elder. He found everything beneath him and was constantly harrasing the group especially Sally. He and Dede constantly bickered about who's position in the sect was greater. Ryuk found the two foolish beyond help.

Sally had been discussing the mission when Luther looked at Ryuk and said "This commoner joining us on the mission. I find that so repulsive. How about we just leave him and split the reward four ways." Ryuk didnt say anything he just looked like heard a joke. Luther asked angrily "What's so funny? You fucking slum dog!" Ryuk said cheekily "Well its just... Do you really think you are allowed to talk to me like that? Do you think your mother can save you if I wanted to kill you? In the sect you might get the reverent stares of fools, but out here you're just a weakling talking through his ass. And nobility? Are you thinking your mom is some great and powerful figure? Among the colored pillars she's the weakest barely managing her position and thats in the Imperial sect there are the other great sects, the ancient clans and wandering cultivators. Your nobility is some mirage that will one day show its cracks even now its showing its worthlessness. Instead of showing me shit and calling it gold bring me some gold next time." Ryuks every word hit Luther hard causing him to grit his teeth tightly. Sally angrily glared and reprimanded Ryuk "Ryuk how dare you! The colored pillars no matter which color are the guardians of our sect! Showing no respect to her is akin to disrespecting the sect!" Ryuk scoffed and said "And aren't I part of the same sect? To be called slum dog even though I am a part of the sect is that not showing disrespect to the sect? Are you a fool senior sister? Has your own animosity towards me distorted your thoughts?" Ryuk silenced the group. Mongoose laughed awkwardly and said "Alright guys we have to head to the Ice flower kingdom tommorow. So lets just rest up." Ryuk was the first to leave.

In the Ice flower kingdom named after the fact that it snowed all year round with only flowers capable to growing in snow a group of five were trekking towards the main gate of the capital Losta. The harsh winter winds bit upon the guards body, but when the guards saw 5 shadows their bodies moved quickly like a cheetahs. Ryuk was wearing the skin of a rank 5 Heavy avalanche Mammoth that he recently killed. Ryuks body was naturally resistant to warm due to the fire law, but Ryuk still found it more comfortable with the skin atop him. As the group reached the gate they were stopped. "Halt! Who dares enter the Ice flower kingdom so wantonly!" "Oh shut up! Hurry and get your king to come welcome the envoys of the imperial sect." Dede shouted angrily with shaking teeth. The city guards who were originally like gods among commoners were just told to shut up, worse their king was said to come greet them. How could the guards no be angry. The new guards immediately shot at the group with killing intent leaking out. "Hmph. Mongrels." Luther said sending out a early foundation fist technique. The guards were sent flying with holes in their chests. Ryuk said nothing, but he found the random killing slightly distasteful. "I am very sorry young masters and Mistresses. Please forgive this foolish captain for his disrespectful subordinates." An old voice said weakly. Ryuk stepped forward from the group and used his wood law to make sure the young guards with holes in their chests didn't die. Although no one in Ryuks group stopped Ryuk they found his actions ugly. The young guards were all asleep due to the pain, but they were stable. A middle aged guard came forward and held one of the young men and said "Thank you Young master for helping saving my brother. Thank you!" A few more men came forward and repeated what the middle aged man said and took the young men. Soon a rank 3 redpoll came flying and on it was an man with a wizened face wearing a blue robe with the emblem of a young flower in snow and a young man with golden hair and blue eyes who wore very fine clothing. "Envoys of the imperial sect I the 2nd prince of the ice flower kingdom has come here to escort you to the castle." The golden haired youth said.."Why hasn't the king come to welcome us?" Luther said rudely. "This... My lord my father is very sick and cannot handle flying and the harsh cold." The 2nd prince said awkwardly. "Hmph! Even if he was on his death bed he should come welcome us. It seems the ice flower kingdom truly dosent respect the imperial sect!" Dede shouted. The 2nd prince was furious inside, but remained calm. Ryuk sighed and said "What's the point in meeting the king of this empire. We just have to escort the princess. Instead of giving us more work and bothering other people can you two just shut up. Come on lets quickly finish this mission!" Ryuk said as he climbed on the redpoll. The 2nd prince showed a look of appreciation and Reverence towards Ryuk. Mongoose had a similar opinion and climbed on the redpoll. Sally showed some apprehension, but agreed she knew that Ryuk was the strongest and the best at winning an argument and had become the impromptu leader. Dede and Luther although were standing their like poles not moving and showing looks of anger. "Hmph. Second prince just leave these two fools they anyway dont bring anything to the group. All they do is talk." Ryuk said dismissively. Luther and Dede were furious, but both climbed on the redpoll.

The group reached an old brick castle with snow covering every part of it. Mongoose asked curiously "Wasn't ice flower castle supposed to be made out of ice not brick?" The 2nd prince showed a sad expression and said "Yes it was, but because of issues with safety we had to renovate the castle." "What kind of issues?" Sally asked curiously. "Uh... People kept falling and during the mornings sometimes stalagmites would fall killing people." The 2nd prince said awkwardly. The group was in stunned silence.

Ryuks group entered the castle which warmed up the bodies of the group instantly. Ryuk stored his skin in his spatial ring and followed the 2nd prince. The 2nd prince no longer turned around because he saw Ryuks face. Before in the falling snow the 2nd prince didnt get a clear view of Ryuk, but now that he did the prince felt his whole body warm up and his face became bright red in attraction. The 2nd prince led the group to a large hall and commanded the maids and butlers to bring out the best and most fanciful dishes. Ryuk and the rest of the imperial sect envoy didnt hesitate and began to devour the food. When the fifth dish came out a black water eel a delicacy of the swamp land kingdom. Ryuk smelt the fish and shouted "stop!" Ryuk during the month of waiting had begun the first steps of the 7 great poison blood technique and had developed an additional sense for poison furthermore his instincts were warning him. The group looked at Ryuk confused and also angrily, but when they heard Ryuks explanation they dropped their forks simultaneously "There's poison in the dish." The hall became quiet. Carefully the group inspected their group each with their own methods of checking and without a doubt the fish was poisoned. Ryuk sent a mental message to the rest of his group saying "We should leave quickly. Either the kingdom is trying to kill us or this mission is more problematic than we orginally expected. Either way staying too long here will be bad for us. Lets fetch the princess and leave." Ryuk had learnt from the library that those who have a soul sea are able to send messages through mental waves and was pleasantly suprised now he realized how essential it actually was. "What bullshit! We should go to the sect and complain asking them to pass judgement on this shitty kingdom!" Luther shouted anxiously through his mental waves. "In my opinion thats more dangerous as thats what they would expect." Mongoose said. "Yes. Transporting the princess will make it so if it is the king he wont be able to attack us directly and if it isn't we can just use her to escape." Sally said. "But we also have to be guarded against the princess she could act against just as easily killing us off simply. Also the target could be Luther or Dede who are children of essential members of the sect. They could be trying to cause discord so we have to be even more cautious." Ryuk replied. The group quickly organized themselves and then Ryuk said to the the shocked 2nd prince "Bring the princess quickly. We will leave in one hour!" The second prince quickly came back to his senses "Sir. My sister is currently enjoying her bachelorette party. Cant we postpone it until tommorow. Its her last day as a single woman and worse it's an arranged marriage." Ryuk seemed to not hear the prince and said "No we should leave now. Tell us where your princess is now!"

In a large building near the Ice flower capital. A group of women were drinking sparkling fruit juice and engaging in random chatter. Soon the door was blasted open. Ryuk hurridly entered with the rest of his group. The women from young to old squealed "Oh my god! The stripper the Escort service sent this time is beyond gorgeous." A few girls swarmed Ryuk trying to rip his clothes and touch him. Ryuk in a haste and disgusted used his mental waves to cause the women to kneel. Ryuk shouted loudly "Wheres princess Fare!" The women could barely point in their fear towards a room near the back. Ryuk told Luther to go and get her. The previously arrogant Luther listened like a well trained dog to Ryuk now. Luther kicked open the door and opened his eyes wide at what he saw. Ryuk and the rest seeing this rushed forward. Princess Fare the woman who was supposed to be married was currently engaged in some dirty activities. Ryuk had always found sexual activity distasteful, but more so he hated adultery and although he could understand her situation he still grimaced. The rest of the group carried his views or were annoyed at the nonchalance of this girl. The 2nd prince came forward then and stumbled in his words and said "Fare... Fare what have you done! Ron!" Sally turned to Ryuk and asked embarrassingly "Can you heal her thing. I'm pretty sure this marriage is important to the sect and if she's not a virgin it wont work." Ryuk looked at Sally and said "I cant heal wounds. I just supply them with vitality so their own healing takes place quickly. It probably wont regrow it." The groups expression turned dark, but Mongoose said "I think there's a medicine we can buy that can make it seem like she has a purity or we could just say she has her personal fun times." The group mutually agreed. Sally went forward and threw the man on top of Princess Fare and threw him hard against the ground. "How dare you! Do you know who I am?!" The man said. Princess Fare shouted as she went into the mans arms "Big brother!" Ryuks eyes turned white in shock his jaw open wide. Mongoose ran out and began to vomit. Dede and Luther looked in disgust. Sally just looked at the 2nd prince in What the fuck is wrong with your family gaze. Sally although quickly recovered and grabbed Princess Fare and shouted "C'mon! We dont have time for this shit!" The group ignoring the protests of the princess and the dumbfounded gaze of the 2nd prince ran quickly out of the capital city of the Ice Flower empire.

When the group reached a large and dense forest they chose to rest. Mongoose said with his fat rising and descending in quick successions "What the fuck is with today! Not only do we nearly all get poisoned. This bullshit as well?" Sally said "Incest used to be popular in empires back in the day. They liked keeping their 'sacred' blood pure, but nowadays the men and women of each of these royal families are used as tools to increase influence. I dont know if Im disgusted more with the past situation or the current one or both." Ryuk also nodded and shared his own experiences "Yeah. In the family of my aunt they constantly did that." The group was stunned and wanted to ask more, but the loud crackles of leaves made them all stand up. Four rank 5 beasts called Hell pups ran out of the darkness. Ryuk took out his longsword. Using sword intent and using the metal law to redistribute the metal particals to enhance the blade he swung it sending a harsh and potent swipe decapitating all four hell pups. Ryuk then said "Hurry up and grab the princess. I can feel a small army coming. We'll rest in Mossgrove city." The group silenced their shock and ran. Ryuk constantly used his water law and earth law to hide all their trances.

Finally half a day later the group reached Mossgrove city. Their obvious wear and tear made them look like beggars. The group had changed into common robes before entering the city to make sure no one would notice them, but the group ran into a problem. Ryuk was too god damn noticable. Finally Sally gave him a garb that she used to prevent her getting attention whenever she went on missions. Ryuk was reluctant, but still agreed. The garb covered Ryuks face very well, but he still had a certain magnetism to himself. Finally the group reached an inn and bought a large room. Sally emphasized they had to stick together. After a day of rest Mongoose and Ryuk were tasked with going and trying to buy a pill to fake virginity. Ryuk was orginally despondent about their chances of meeting an alchemist even with their sect behind them, but Mongoose brought out a jade slip with a crucible on it and soon they managed to procure the medicine. Seeing Ryuks gaze Mongoose explained "Im an alchemist and I'm a member of the alchemist association." Those simple words explained alot. The group stayed 2 more days and then left.

Half a month later. Ryuk and his group had scratches all over and blood covering every inch of them. "Ah! Who's the fuck that's been trying to kill us! For fucks sake! Every time we think we are safe an army of beasts appears and tries to kill us! The last battle even had a rank 6 beast thats a beast equivalent to a high grade foundation stage expert and not any common one a fucking Expert level high grade foundation stage expert. Argh! If I meet the cunt who's been doing this to us I'll kill them! Also what the fuck is the problem with the sect why can't we connect with them!" Luther complained and his poked his walking stick into the ground repeatedly. Ryuk had dark circles under his eyes and said "At first I wasnt sure, but have you noticed that all the beasts that attacked us are those with a greater ease of being controlled by the Beast god sects secret technique." Ryuks observation brought about simultaneous gasps "You're right! Every one of those beasts are the guardian's of Beast god mountain!" Mongoose said. "But why? The imperial sect and Beast god sect are allies." Dede asked. "It's most probably because of this girl and who shes marrying." Ryuk said again. "What do you mean?" Luther asked. "The husband of princess Fare is Osmodeous. I heard that although it was arranged before they were even born Osmodeous when he joined the beast god sect he and an elders daughter had an affair. That girl must be trying to kill Princess Fare so that she can be with Osmodeous" Dede replied after she heard Ryuk. Dede was an experienced gossiper so everything she heard was true. "Even so what about the fact that we can't contact the sect?" Luther asked. "Isn't Osmodeous related to a prince of one of the kingdoms under our sect? And isnt that prince in our sect. In the missions department?!" Dede shouted each word increasing the volume of her voice by a notch. The group all had ugly expressions on their faces. "What the fuck is this shitty love story we are in! And are we the bad guys? Fuck!" Ryuk screamed loudly. Princess Fare who had been like quiet cargo this whole time was now shivering as red eyes fell on her. "This one is into incest! The other two are trying to kill us using internal powers and external powers! Fuck this shit! Just wait Ill slice that mother fucker in the missions hall from mouth to anus! All the precious materials i was keeping to make a Qi pill used to make sure I dont die! God damn it! Pay me back you shitty Beast god sect!" The usually calm Mongoose exploded tears streaming down his face. Ryuk comforted his brother and said "Brother Mongoose. Atleast because of these bastard's you managed to lose the weight you were complaining about. I mean Its me that should be crying I had to fight that godamn rank 6 beast. I lost my precious sword that I blackmailed out of that Elder using my precious life. That fucking bear why did he eat my sword! Why! Why!" Ryuk crying was so sweet and innocent and melancholic that the rest of the group also began to cry. Luther shouted under the sniffles "I miss my mama! I miss my spicy beef! I miss Su my maid! I've nearly died 20 times, but im still a virgin!" Sally cried and said "I still haven't beaten that arrogant whore! That bitch she's always bullying me because I haven't made an advancement!" Dede didnt scream anything she just squatted down and cried. The mature group that killed 1000s of scary beasts were now all crying. some from their losses, some from their lack of experience, some from their failure to make reach their goals, some from their uselessness.