All beings must die!

After a long cry the group marched toward the empire of Dragon fire. The group had become very close even before they released all their contained emotions, but now they were extremely tight. The group would reach their destination in half a day with their speed. Along the way they met the same type of beasts they had been fighting throughout the whole mission occasionally a rank 5 beast would appear slowing then down. "God damn it!" Ryuk grunted. "What's wrong?" Mongoose asked. "I just realized that we are fucked. To reach dragon fire empire we have to pass through dragon valley. Dragon valley is a large valley which only has one path. I've noticed that in places that should have rank 6 beasts due to the abundance of qi were missing. They've packed the area ahead of us full of powerful beasts." Ryuk said knocking his head for being so stupid. "What! So lets retreat!" Dede screamed. "We can't. The mission deadline is in two days and we cant just retreat that easily they've probably made counter measures. Fuck!" Sally said. The group was silent for a long time till subtle chuckles broke through. "Hahahaha. Im sure you guys are thinking what im thinking aren't ya." Ryuk said. They all nodded. Princess Fare had a fear bloom in her heart when she heard them.

The group marched like great generals having one last stand. Ryuk had two swords he had borrowed from Mongoose and Sally as they brushed against the wind the sang a battle cry. Ryuk walked slowly each step making deep imprints because he knew that this battle might be his last. Ryuk was petrified beyond a doubt, but his blood was also boiling in excitement. Ryuk wished that he could leave right now, but it was impossible he had used his spirit guide a few times and he felt powerful presences no matter which path he took whether it be the sky or even underground so Ryuk could only March forward and anyway Ryuk was near dragon valley and Comet cant fly here the gravitational pull is too great.

As the group crossed Dragon valley the feeling of death from both the valley itself and what was ahead caused every to take heavy breaths. Ryuk examined the valley from time to time and made some estimations and knew he could win the battle, but he wasn't sure the risk of winning out weighed the danger. Ryuks pride from being a devil made him believe that he had a chance and Ryuks own will didnt want a win based on luck, but he wasnt so foolish as to let his pride kill him. Ryuk had bated breath as he thought about the repercussions of winning.

Soon the group was face to face with a large mass of beasts. Each one wildly snarling or roaring. Atop a boar like beast that stood like a mountain behind the seemingly endless amount of beasts were 2 old men and a brown skinned woman. The brown skinned woman had a evil smile on her face she seemed to be counting the minutes till Ryuks death.

The group all used their final card. Mongoose used a secret technique of his family called Mad Titan transforming him into a Giant with two blood red eyes. Sally took out two Spears that seemed to oppress all evil. Luther took out talisman after talisman. Dedes skin turned pale and her canines enlarged with a blood armor fitting tightly against her body. Ryuk thought for a moment and released his Devil form. Ryuk decided to unleash his Devil form even though there were people watching as first In this world every kind of technique could exist and second A devil had never been seen so even if these people told what happened they wouldnt be able to connect the dots. As Ryuk released his Devil form he felt like a heavy west was removed making him 100% more efficient. The wild beasts who had been roaring wildly suddenly all wen quiet their eyes filled with reverence and fear for Ryuk even the large boar showed fear and respect towards Ryuk. The old men who were controlling the boar felt its fear and Reverence and looked at Ryuk in a new light. Ryuk saw the mens expressions and seemed to realize something he sent a mental message to the group "I think the way the beast god sect controls beasts to form an army like this is by controlling a strong beast and making it the king. We need to kill the king and everything falls to hell. Sally, Mongoose diverge as many rank 6 beasts away. Dede, Luther handle the rank 5 beasts and lower use the girl to manipulate them." The group agreed with Ryuks plan, but Sally asked in concern "What about you?" Ryuk sighed and said aloud "Ill handle the rank 7 beast." Luther said "Its hard enough with the rank 7 beast, but you have to fight those three as well." Ryuk didn't reply instead he smiled and left.

The battle was a fierce and bloody war. Ryuk hadn't even reached the rank 7 beast yet he was covered in scratches, bite marks and blood both his and others. Ryuk felt to the ground a rank 5 Ravenous Anaconda tripped him. Ryuk was crushed by a wave of beasts. Ryuk swiped his swords with his strongest power using the intent within him to maximum, the earth law to make it unstoppable, the metal law to make it sharper than any weapon, the water law to spread the damage everywhere. Finally Ryuk got out he coughed up a mouthful of blood, but kept running at his enemy. Right as Ryuk got close to end of the sea of beasts. The boar which hadn't been moving shot like a canon crashing into Ryuk and the rest of the beasts. Ryuk was knocked heavily into the mountainside. Ryuk felt every single one of his bones Either break or shatter and also he felt his lung get impaled by a loose rib. Ryuk barley managed to survive and was being healed at an amazing speed because of the constant flow of blood into his body and the large quantities of qi being absorbed by his acupoints. Ryuk couldnt move, but the boar came charging again and slammed into Ryuk. Ryuks whole body was deformed the strong muscles and bones he had gotten from his evolution to devil seemed to be nothing in the face of this power. Ryuk looked back before he was slammed again by the boar. Sally was being eaten by a large rank 6 Python. Dede was missing a hand. Mongoose was wrestling a bear while being assaulted by the sea of beasts. Luther was running as fast as he could with an arm missing. Ryuk felt his heart roar in fury these people although they hadn't been close at first we now like brothers and sisters having fought together and cried together, but they were also some of Ryuks first friends. Yet now they were being massacred because of some fuckers and their shitty messed up love life. Ryuk could understand killing for revenge or something important like that, but not only were they innocent outsiders who were just doing their duty, they were being killed for the love story of some fuckers they didnt even care about. Ryuk even with his shattered body stood up an evil chuckle escaping his mouth. The blood colored base in Ryuks dantian which seemed to always be scared was spinning at an extreme speed. Ryuks golden eyes were colored in a bright red. Ryuk punched forward and all the bone fragments fit back into place like fearful slaves. Ryuk said coldly in a scary and weird voice. "All beings must die!"
