Demon Sacred Grounds?

Early in the morning Ryuk woke up and stretched the smell of wet grass stumbled into his nose making him intoxicate in nature. Black proceeded to wake up as well. Ryuk asked Black a question "Are you the demon who's been killing Buddhist monks?" Black answered "They entered my territory and when I told them to leave they attacked me. Why?" Ryuk said "The Buddhist sect is looking for you and offered a reward for your head. More importantly do you know where the Yang source is?" Black ignoring the part about the Buddhist sects said "Hm. Its somewhere there ish." Ryuk laughed "There ish? Just take me there you fool."

Black took Ryuk to a small valley near the center of the forest. Inside Ryuk could feel the thick Yang essence. "I found the pure Yin dew a few meters away and I was able to survive with the little demonic qi in this realm with that. I believe If I completely absorb it I will be able to stay in this realm without dying." Ryuk said "Then hurry and absorb it. Im going to absorb the Yang Dew. If you finish early just wait outside the grotto. Ill do the same if I finish earlier as well." Black nodded and disappeared. Ryuk entered the grotto and then closed off the entrance with stones rich in minerals.

Two months later. Black was drinking some wine near the grotto entrance when suddenly the grotto shook violently. Ryuk came out looking devilishly handsome. His original black hair was now full of long patches of grey, but not natural grey more of a profound grey. Ryuk smiled as he looked into his soul sea and saw the previously ordinary tree now looked increasingly powerful and word defying. In fact Ryuk seemed to believe the Tree defined every aspect of the universe, but those thoughts were still premature and unknown. Ryuk had also found out that the Monster didn't know what the tree was, but it was scared of it. Incredibly scared of it. The dead body representing Ryuks law of death seemed extremely weak and on the brink of disappearing. Ryuks cultivation had also increased to Condensation 2 peak only a step away from condensation 3. Ryuk came out after absorbing all the Yang essence, but right as his eyes met Blacks an incredible pain tore Through him. Ryuk got on his knees and began vomiting blood he rolled around grabbing his head and abdomen in incredible pain. His skin began wiggling as the blood within him started trying to burst and evaporate. Black hurridly came close to Ryuk and began observing Ryuks body. If Ryuk was in his right mind and looked at his soul sea he would see the Tree shaking in an all encompassing manner releasing a wave of energy that prevented Ryuk from breathing. Soon the condensation 2 base in his dantian started shaking and It split apart. A green Castle appearing. The castle looked like a god among pigs. The castle was there and then faded away as if Ryuks dantian wasnt good enough for it to be present.

Black explained "You're full of yang qi. You need something to balance it otherwise you will die during the metamorphosis. Normally absorbing a certain type of qi and.evolving to a being that houses only that specific type of qi isnt a bad thing nor a hard thing, but something about your composition wont allow any favoritism." Ryuk looked at Black in a pleading manner "How? How do I balance it out!?" Black thought for a moment "In this realm there isn't anything even where im from it would be hard... Unless..." Black looked hesitant, but ultimately told Ryuk to put his hand on a talisman he brought out. "I ask two questions. First am I your martial brother? Second will you betray me?" Ryuk huffed violently, but quickly responded "Yes! No!" The talisman shone, but didnt tear. Black smiled gently and then took out a bracelet with two ape heads spiraling it. Black attached it to Ryuks hand and said "Sit tight. When you wake up you will be in a strange place. Its ugly and unpleasant, but beauty and peaceful. Thats the demon sacred grounds. That bracelet allows you to enter it. You will have to rely on your wit and skill and ascend the demon mountain. I know you probably wont win the tournament, but you should atleast have the right to enter the mound. If you do well you may be rewarded by the demon avatar. If you get the option to get a reward get the... Blood fruit..." Black couldn't finish his sentence as Ryuk had disappear.

Ryuk woke up in a large world colored in blood and full godly and maniacal statues looking down. Ryuk felt the same unpleasantness as before, but the thick Yin in the air kept him sane. The listless corpse seemed to shake and soon rot and soon more corpses grew. Ryuks law of death was growing violently. Ryuk felt his ring buzz, and with that the Law of death soon stopped advancing. Ryuk looked around and said in his head "So this is the demon sacred ground? It sure is scary and fitting for its name." Ryuk also shouted loudly in his head "Ah! Why is my cultivation journey so hard! Sure I get lots of benefits and opportunities and Im pretty strong, but for gods sake. Every step in my cultivation hurts like a mother fucker. Ha... Whatever lets do our best!" Ryuk looked at a small blood puddle and saw his face it was very weak, but what caught his attention was a black cresent moon at the center of his eyebrows like Blacks. A group flying on a brown cloud looked down and saw Ryuk they shouted "Yo what you doing there? You lost?" Ryuk nodded his head. Soon the cloud fell and two men and three women popped out. As they saw the cresent moon of Ryuks head they got on their knees "We the Fish demon clan apologize to Apocalypse Demon!" Ryuk remembered Blacks clan and said with a slightly evil, but charming smile "It's fine. I was trying to prove myself by running to the grounds, but got lost. I hope you people can help me?" The Fish demon clansmen all had jovial smiles on their faces as they led Ryuk on their cloud. After about an hour the group arrived at a large castle. The leader of the Fish demons named Deizos said "Your highness we are here." Ryuk got out of the cloud and saw the large castle and could only try his best not to faint from the blood rush and excitement. The castle was covered in skulls of all kings. At the center there was a tower with stairs reaching to something higher. Ryuk entered the castle and was suprised to see it so packed. Yet the demons on the floor slowly made a path for Ryuk to move and soon he was at the front. He saw many people with similar black cresent moons on their heads standing like dominators in front of a large white stage with a large screen to the side counting down. Out of all those who had cresent moons on their head 4 were on long thrones standing tall making them seem like gods. Two men and two women. The four men and women looked eerily similar to Black so Ryuk concluded they were Royals as well. Soon The center male with long red hair looked upon Ryuk and with an arrogant tone he asked "You! Who are you? Why didnt you come with us? Why haven't I seen you before?" Ryuk thought quickly and said with his hand on his chest with a bow "Your highness I am sorry for appearing late. I had travelled with my father an elder of the Apocalypse Demon clan to home of Riverbend god to ask of a favor." The red haired boy asked curiously "Which elder? Furthermore why did you go see Riverbend god?" Ryuk humbly told with a flattering smile "Your highness even if I told you my fathers name you would not know it. Just as I would not know the name of the boy who mops my floors. My father isnt anyone important acquiring his title due to his age and nothing more. We visited the Riverbend god as we were scared an old adversary would return. My father was on of the pillars upon which the Riverbend god killed you know who." The red haired boy nodded seemingly agreeing. Ryuk had guessed that his previous life must have ticked off a god and that god was Riverbend god. The evidence for this conclusion was some old man he saw in a dream when he was in Green doe village. The matriarchs last words. His dreams when he was consumed by nothingness and some other minor things. Although Ryuk wasnt sure he just guessed. The red haired boy smiled and joyfully talked with Ryuk "Is that so. When we return remind me to visit your father. My hero is the Riverbend god after all. I shall award you father with some gifts for his heroic actions. Furthermore you may become my servant once we leave." Ryuk joyful cried and said "Yes. of course my lord. Thank you so much. Thank you. I shall be forever grateful to your kind heart!" Ryuk secretly was saying in his head in disgust "Ugh. To think I have to spew this garbage. I really want to kill this guy." The red haired girl near the boy asked in obvious attraction "Servant? Brother how about you let me have him? By the way what's your name boy?" Ryuk said pleasantly using his charms to his best "Your highness the most beautiful rose in the universe. This foolish ones name is Lucifer." Ryuk laughed in his head "You ugly crow what do you want me? Well fuck off you aint getting me! Thank god I read that book about Demons. Lucifer I think is a proper demon name." The blue haired girl on the other side said in a cute voice matching her short figure "Hm. Lucifer a fine name one of our Demon Gods was named Lucifer, but because it was so long ago many forgot about him, but would you believe under the demon god Lucifer our race conquered the heavens and only with the begging of the Heavens fate palace from the saints did his almighty Lucifer fall. Your father knowing this name must mean he is well cultured. I shall inform father to reward your father." Ryuk replied again with tears "Thank you so much. Thank the demon god for giving me the chance to look upon the beautiful Royalty of our clan. Thank you so much!" Ryuk said in his head "Hahaha. Suck my dick you stuck up cunts!" The blue haired male looked at Ryuk with trepidation, but ignored it for his pride.