Tower of Babel... A cruel dream.

The monsters voice rang in Ryuks head "You should cultivate here. The Qi is very good here its just about qualified for you to use. Furthermore the Yin Qi is very concentrated so that problem with too much Yang will solve itself, but this not a permanent solution soon after you leave the Yin Qi will leave the body and you'll explode so you have to find that fruit that boy told you to find." Ryuk was shocked about the first thing although "This Qi is not barely good enough for me to use? The Qi in the demon sacred grounds?" The monster huffed "You're not some common ant so of course."


Soon the screen finished counting down and it disappeared. A loud ring echoed throughout the arena causing many to fall to their knees and cry bloody tears. Soon after an hour of that intense ringing it stopped. Ryuks eyes were bloodshot and he was slightly uncomfortable, but was mostly fine. The royals were completely fine and there were 700 or so still standing. The ones who had fainted or fallen disappeared. One girl with a long horn coming out of her head with completely green eyes shouted hysterically "My sister! Where's my sister!" The blue haired princess snorted and said smugly "She should have fainted and exited the sacred grounds. So stop you screaming nave." Ryuk looked forward to prepare for the next test, but his eyes were caught by the red haired princess. The red haired princess said in her head "How is this boy completely fine. We survived mostly because of the royal tokens we have that reduce the power of the soul screech by half, but there's nothing else that can protect others. Not even medicine works yet he's fine? Is he a monster?" The red haired princess wasn't the only one to realize this and they all made sure to keep an eye on Ryuk. Soon an illusionary man appeared and from his finger golden beams shot out. Ryuk vision went black and soon he was in a white cloudy room. The same illusionary man said "You performance in the soul check is Supreme grade. You are eligible for these rewards." Soon a long digital list appeared in front of Ryuk. Ryuk didnt completely understand and began scrolling. "Sword of doom - Low Heaven grade. Synopsis: Said to have been used by a mortal forger to slay a god hence 20 gods working together fought against the forger eventually killing him. The sword became known as the sword of Doom by gods as the border between gods and mortals was crossed due to this sword, but again this is what is said to have happened. No user of the sword of Doom who are mortals have ever done similar feats, furthermore even if true the god who was first slayed abilities are in question."

"Shield of Vitality. High grade spirit weapon (Soul present within) advancing grade to Low heaven grade. Synopsis: Shield has ability to guard against attacks up to unnamed god. Additional ability able to heal all allies."

"Fruit of Innocence. Grade Heaven...

Ryuk looked confused at the grades and asked the monster who replied "Hmph. This is the general idea of forging and grading. If you tell a real forger 'I want a heaven grade weapon" he will throw you out and insult your family. Weapon grades there are like 20 and there's even some forged items called legacy items and taboo items, but those are in legends only." Ryuk asked interested in the subject "What are the grades?" The monster said bluntly "How should I know im not a blacksmith im nothingness..." Ryuk wanted to slap the monsters head. Ryuk looked through the list and the descriptions and couldnt help sighing "Can all these be true? If any one of them is true wouldnt it defy the universe." As Ryuk kept flipping through the list his eyes caught a item called Dragon root which caused his heart to twist and the wood law to shake violently. Ryuk realized his dragon blood must want this dragon root alot and decided to see the introduction.

"Dragon root. Earth grade for normal use for True dragons or Tyrant dragons saint grade. Synopsis: Said to be the decayed meridians of draconic ancestors able to aid in the growth and development of dragon kin. If ordinary dragons take it they will evolve comparable to the Tyrant dragon race if True dragon or Tyrant dragon takes it their will be no change to races power, but it is a extremely good supplement and there is a small chance of obtaining small bit of original dragons knowledge."

Ryuk looked oddly at the dragon root and because of his hunger he just decided to get it. Soon a long red string appeared in Ryuks hand. Ryuks first thought was "Isnt this ginseng?"

Ryuk put the ginseng in his ring and then he appeared out again.

Soon everyone present opened their eyes one by one. Some had excited smirks other had dark expressions. The four royals seemed indifferent and Ryuk could help but mutter in his head "These rich ones are really too overbearing. I was lost in the gold and they act like its nothing." The Red haired princess slyly approached Ryuk and she said in a flirty and devilish voice "What grade did you get Lucifer?" Ryuk thought for a moment and said calmly "I was given high grade... What about you my highness." The red haired girl was shocked and nodded and said "Is that so... I got supreme grade." Ryuk smiled and said calmly "As should be." The red haired girl looked at her brother and the blue haired duo. Suddenly a loud dominating voice appeared in Ryuks head. "Why are you lying? We know that from how you were feeling you should have got supreme grade." Ryuk looked calmly at the sender of the message the red haired boy who was clutching his sword tightly. Ryuk said casually "Your highness if others were to know a simple nave such as I got supreme grade would it not tarnish your name. I have a powerful soul as I had endured alot of strife since born therefore I was barely able to catch up to your grace. I wish to honor you and if degrading myself can accomplish that. I will be satisfied." What Ryuk said made sense to these four as in general any demon would throw themselves down into the mud for a royal, but they still felt a little iffy on the matter. Soon a loud voice erupted "Physical check." Soon 10 large black pillars fell. The pillars had very beautiful and exotic styles painted and Ryuk admired it and nodded from time to time as he observed the calligraphy. Soon the red haired boy stepped forward and he punched. The pillar hummed and turned a little red. The boy was covered in a veil of stars and he looked very excited. Everyone did the same. Soon it was Ryuks turn. Ryuk pondered "Should I go full out or hide myself? Fuck it I want treasure."

Ryuk used "Beast series: Ape rage" in combination with the earth law, wood law, metal law, fire law and water law and a bit of nothingness. Ryuk was like a giant train as he hit the pillar causing it to hum violently. The demons around had their jaws agape as the looked at this random guy just obliterate their results. The red haired prince shouted in his head "Who the fuck is this guy? Supreme grade in the soul check and this? Satan..." Soon everyone finished getting their scores. Every demon looked ugly whenever theirs eyes passed Ryuk. The blue haired princess licked her lips viciously and said in her heart "If I can get this guy I can beat all those other whores and definitely become demon queen. All the women will join because of his looks and all the old demons will join because of his strength! Is there anyway for this mistress to lose." Frankly Ryuk looked down on demons too much. Demons typically didn't care whether someone was stronger as then the race was greater Frankly they respected and admired others for their strength.

Soon a golden light fell and everyone disappeared. Ryuk entered a empty small room covered in pearly white tiles. Soon a mechanic voice sounded "Physical checkup commencing for detailed and specific training program commencing."

Ryuk felt something invisible fall on his and scan him. Then a device came from the floor and pricked him and took his blood. Then the floor turned into a treadmill and Ryuk had to start running. After 2 hours everything stopped and the voice said "Subject has great physical fitness due to bloodline and good training. Subject has a heart condition which makes the heart very weak and can lead to fainting in high pressure situations, furthermore if continuous minor issues occur chance of severe problem very high. Subjects reaction time is very good. Subject is malnourished and needs proper diet. Subject is inflicted with internal chaos due to energies cause unknown. Subject contains 6 bloodlines Origin beast Azure dragon creator of dragon progeny and collector of worldly truths, Origin beast Black tortoise Paragon of the seas, Origin beast White tiger Defier of heavens hunter of the universe, Vermillion bird the ravishing flame, phoenix ruler of birds and cheater of samsara. All bloodlines are extremely faint and weak, but very pure... detailed analysis processing."

Ryuk was dumbfounded by this information "I have a heart condition? What!? Second I have origin beast blood within me?! Weren't origin people like the monster?! Phoenix where did I get that?" Ryuk was muttering and finally in exasperated let out a deep sigh and said in his head "No wonder I have so many problems. I really plucked too many fruit from the tree."

Soon a screen appeared in front of Ryuk with a casual remark by the mechanic voice "This information is not completely accurate, but gives a idea of your status."

Subject 123848294828432...

cultivation base: Condensation 2.

Soul cultivation: 1st tribute.

Health status: Healthy with small problems.

Complete bloodline analysis grade: unranked.

Strength grade for cultivation: SS

Recommend training for subject is to take Heaven rank medicine - Purity of the 9 heavens to strengthen and further purify bloodlines. Subject is also recommend to take spirit rank medicine - Full cure. Subject needs a diet comprised of high grade beast for a month and then muscle mass will become the best. The subject is recommended to work on speed and stength therefore the best procedure is this..." a string of information entered Ryuks head. Ryuk was stunned as the training was very detailed and informative will lots of additional information to make sure the regiment was fully used by Ryuk.

Soon Ryuk found himself out unlike before everyone was calm and some even shocked. A few lights fell and some other demons disappointed. Soon with a loud roar the large tower with stairs shone in golden light and a green road was made to the stairs. The group didnt know what was going on only the royals did and so they went forward in a very proud and dominating way. As soon as they appeared in front of the tower everyone felt fear course through their beings. The royals had scrunched their brows and then looked back and shouted "You. The sea demon clan prince you go first." The sea demon clan was the ruling clan of the fish demon clan and could be considered to be a high profile clan, but in general the sea demons were looked down upon as low class. The prince himself had a dolphin head and a octupus body. The prince entered and immediately fell down and began screeching and chanting "No! No! please Don't!" eventually he disappeared. everyone took a cold breath the prince seemed to be writhing in absolute grievance and pain. The royals took a cold breath and said "The tower of Babel has appeared? We aren't prepared for it..." Ryuk asked the blue haired royal "Mistress what is the tower of Babel?" The blue haired girl said while biting her lip "The most evil trial in the demon sacred grounds. It is named after a pitiful dream once had by mortals. The tower shows your dreams your desires and love crushed and ruined. Some people see the people they love killed and raped. Some see a road with no end. Some see truths they had hidden away. The tower of Babel shows us what we desire the most and then destroys that and ruins it bringing us despair incomparable. Many demons who have faced the tower of Babel have become insane or inexplicably revoltingly. The tower of Babel out of all the 9 tower the demons can enter is the hardest and most cruel, but it hardly ever appear... It has a 2000 year period of absence so it shouldn't appear." Ryuk took a cold breath as he stared at the tower of Babel also called the cruel dream.